[center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/349cm69.png[/img] [@McHaggis] || [@Wade Wilson] [img]http://oldcolony.ca/images/filigree-4.png[/img] Estelle thought she was goner as the Walker grew closer and closer. She looked around frantically for the knife that had been knocked out of her grip when she fell and the Walker lunged for her. She turned just in time to see its rotten face grow closer and her mouth opened in a silent scream. Suddenly, a fist came out of no where and slammed into the zombie, knocking it away from her. The fist was attached to a boy probably about six years older than her and she watched as he slammed a blade into the zombies skull. Estelle lay where she had fallen, staring up at the boy with wide eyes. His task complete, Estelle couldn't help but flinch back when he placed his weapons on the ground. The girl snatched up her fallen knife from the ground and backed a few paces away from him. Even though he saved her life, Orion had instilled a wariness of all strangers and so she regarded the boy with guarded eyes. At his question if she was alright, she nodded as she watched him wiping the gore from his hands. Luck for them, that Walker had been for a while and was in the process of decomposing. If it had been faster she would probably be dead now. [color=cyan]"Thank you for saving me."[/color] She said softly, relaxing her grip on her knife. When he tried to lead her over to the other person, she resisted at first before realizing that these two might be able to help her safe Orion. Because even if she dispatched all the zombies, she still wouldn't be able to move him. She needed someone bigger. She followed after the boy and looked at both of them. [color=cyan]"I need help. My brother hurt his ankle and is trapped up on a eighteen-wheeler. He can't walk and I can't move him by myself, will you help me?"[/color] She asked in a determined voice, shoulders hunched slightly. Though she tried to look calm, she was trying not to dissolve into tears again at the thought of her brother being lost to her.[/center]