[center][img]http://fmc.my1.ru/_tbkp/8951167.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Eastern Edge of the Byrnian Channel[/b][/center] The RSN Raku and RSN Talik steamed into Byrnia amidst the bussle of war preparations. The old battleships were of pre-20th century design and certainly not impressive alongside the heavily modernized Survaekom navy. But they were still battleships, and their size and firepower was more than sufficient to inflict harm on any opponent who confronted them. The Sumayan fleet was met by the Survaekom light cruiser ISV Stoic. It too was a pre-20th century design, of the [i]Wave[/i] class marked by its characteristic tight row of short smokestacks, belching clouds as it steamed along. Aboard were a handful of Surv-Vyaez officers and translators, the first group of many assigned with facilitating coordination between the two navies for joint operations. This group would have the honor of boarding the Sumayan flagship [i]Raku[/i], and they would begin their work by helping guide the Sumayan fleet towards Foedinei. The Survaekom cruiser and the Sumaya flagship carefully maneuvered themselves parallel to one another and cut their engines, allowing the Surv-Vyaez party to board. There were two older men in gold-buttoned white uniforms and peaked caps, and four younger marines in thick dark blue coats accompanying them. They were all Byrnian. A small delegation of Sumayan bridge officers waited patiently on the wind-swept deck, stoic in the face of buffeting and sea-spray. Despite Sumaya's nativist customs their naval uniforms were precisely in line with Varian designs: trim grey cloth, thick and warm against the cold and imaculately designed. There was, however, one variation: nearly a third of the Raku's crew were female, including her captain, who bowed bruskly. "Welcome to the RSN Raku." She greeted them formally. "I am Captain Antiya Batao. This is my First Officer Goa Masu, and this is Ensign Fara. She's fluent in Survaekom, Byrnian and Kalpian as well as her native tongue. I've assigned her to serve as your adjutant while aboard the ship. The other captains are aboard their own ships, but will be joining us shortly." Both of the Byrnian officers bowed politely to the Captain and the First Officer. One of the men, larger than the other and with a full beard, took charge of greeting the Sumayans . "A pleasure and an honor to meet you, Captain Batao, First Officer Masu, and Ensign Fara" he began in well-practiced Sumayan. "I am Captain Huj Idraesu, designated translator for the Surv-Vyaez coordinating delegation to the RSN Raku. My superior beside me is Fleet Major Usynyl Jaou." He gestured gently towards Jaou, distinguishable by his three-starred cap, lankier figure, and clean shave. The Fleet Major dutifully nodded and offered the Sumayans an "[i]Aedadil[/i]," the standard Survaekom greeting. "Honorable hosts," Captain Huj continued, "with your permission we will accompany you to your bridge and begin our mission without delay." Batao Saluted the elderly Major as she would any other superior, speaking to the man rather than the translator. "I hear you'll be in charge of this squadron for the duration of our tour in the Inner Sea. An honor to meet you in person. If you'll follow me it is this way to the bridge." The Raku's bridge was relatively cramped: a tightly packed mix of navigational and relay equipment surrounded by solid steel walls. Without a furnace or insulation the room was chilly in the relatively cold waters of the Byrnian Channel; personal comforts took a distant second place next to functionality. A number of ovoid windows overlooked the ship's deck from all angels, providing an excellent view of the ship's multitudous turrets. The two Survaekom officers left the marines on deck, where they mostly kept to themselves. Every now and then they tried what little Sumayan they knew on the crew members, hoping to strike up an idle conversation at least. As natives of Byrnia, where women had a long history of participation in war despite the more patriarchal bent of their Khaitis rulers, the soldiers were a little surprised but not disturbed by the ship's unfamiliar gender ratio. After all, the prestigious Byrnian Guard was almost half comprised of women, in line with its long tradition. Meanwhile, the Fleet Major and the Captain exchanged words in Byrnian as they entered the bridge. Usynyl was pleased with the room's utilitarian air and they clear view of the decks and waters, a sentiment Huj was quick to pass along. "The Fleet Major is impressed with the design of the Raku's bridge. The good view will make it easier for him to identify flag signals from the Surv-Vyaez and pass them onto me for translation." "I appreciate the compliment." She replied formally. "I've instructed our own flag officers to expect company at their posts. Your flagmen will have a full run of the ship. Our main signal spires runs along the postern spine of the ship, just past that door." She tipped her head towards one of the steel, oval doors leading out of the bridge. "Excellent," Captain Huj translated for his superior. "We will have our flagmen integrated into your unit shortly, after we arrive in the Port of Foedinei. There we will also send delegations to your sister vessels and conduct some basic joint training, but we will not stay longer than a few days before setting out on campaign. Do you believe your crew is sufficiently prepared for such a rapid time-table?" "Serving on a battleship is an honor. I can vouch for every one of my crew; they are the best." "We are honored to serve alongside such a capable crew of officers and sailors. You do justice and good service to the cause of the Imperial Restoration, the cause of both our nations. Aed willing, we will bring victory to our homelands, glory to our lieges, and ruin to our enemies on the high seas." The Fleet Major was smiling triumphantly, as if victory were already at hand, but the Captain's expression remained level. Huj had hope that matters would go as smoothly as both Captain Batao and Major Usynyl seemed to predict, but he was not one to celebrate before the challenge had even started. "We are at your service Major." The captain kept a pleasant but neutral tone. She wanted victory as well, but her motivations were different. They fought here so that they could bring the fight to their enemies, rather than waiting for them to strike. If Survaek could secure the all-important Byrnian channel, Societatem would have no easy passage to the East. Major Usynyl offered another bow to his Sumayan counterparts in recognition of their pledge. Huj continued to translate his words. "Now that we have seen the bridge, we know where we will be spending most of our time aboard the Raku. But, it would certainly be helpful for us to acquaint ourselves with the rest of the ship. Would you, noble Captain and First Officer, be so kind as to give us a tour of this fine vessel?" "Of course. Shall we begin with your quarters? The Raku was designed to be a flagship; the fleet officer's suite is yours." "You have our thanks and appreciation for your hospitality," the Major spoke with a polite node and a motion towards his counterparts. He paused briefly to allow Huj to translate before continuing, "Lead the way, comrades." __________ [i]A collaboration between Talis (Sumaya) and AspenIvan (Survaek)[/i]