[center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/d5/f6/f6d5f6625ebe954accc2c34807e3a8be.jpg[/img][/center] Hyperion and a squadron of four Quinjets arrived outside Bishop Packaging in record time. Helicarrier Alpha, where Hyperion was stationed, happened to be the closest of the helicarriers to New York City when SHIELD got the call. Someone named Quire had reported that he and a fellow metahuman, the one Wilson referred to as Miss America, had taken down a clandestine operation within Bishop Packaging. Allegedly, Mr. Bishop himself had been selling Mutant Growth Hormone that he was buying from another dimension. It had sounded ridiculous at first. But a cursory search of SHIELD data files on Mr. Bishop brought him up on numerous watch lists. Cross referencing the location of Bishop Packaging's headquarters with recent tears in the space time continuum and this Quentin kid had a couple of legs to stand on. That's when Marie Hill decided to send in Zhib-Ran and a specialized team of agents who dealt with matters concerning the multiverse as well as the Mutant Growth Hormone drug. The flight took roughly ten minutes, with the first Quinjet setting down moments before the hour struck. The monstrosity of metal and wires settled down on the roof of the skyscraper. A trio of SHIELD agents, decked out in full combat gear, stepped confidently down the jet's ramp. The officer took point, his standard issue assault rifle held in his armored hands as he kicked down the emergency access door. The now-opened door revealed a set of dark stairs leading into the service entrance of the penthouse below. The team maneuvered tactically down, breaching the service door with a loud shout. "Freeze! SHIELD!" The officer commanded. He waved his weapon towards the few individuals still standing; the agents on his flanks moved to clear the rest of the room. Hyperion floated through the entrance, his feet hovering a foot or so off the ground. "Lower your weapons, men. Everyone at ease. They're the good guys." Zhib-Ran said with a wave of his hand and a polite smile. Four more squads made their way into the penthouse from the roof, one by one. They lacked the armor and automatic rifles of the first team; rather, they carried handguns and various types of futuristic equipment. Commanders barked out orders to their subordinates. Agents rushed to and fro, checking on the fallen security guards. Hyperion dodged gracefully past the SHIELD agents and stood next to the young hero and her mutant telepathic friend. He also made note of the girl in what appeared to be sporting gear. She seemed distraught. Silly humans, they were always crying. What weak and fragile creatures they were; in both body and mind. Well, most of them. Zhib-Ran tried to look as empathetic of her plight as he could. He was a decent enough actor. Anyone who saw through the charade could reasonably guess that his strange behavior was due to his being from a different planet, where the cultural customs and even physiological make-up of his species had to be vastly different from those on earth. Agent Milton waved over one of the unarmored officers. "This is Agent Baker." He introduced the woman. She was tall, athletic and muscular. But she looked more genuinely concerned than any of the other agents in the room. "She's our resident medical officer and psych examiner. She'll do whatever she can to help you, ma'am. I couldn't possibly understand what you're going through." With that hopefully dealt with, Hyperion turned toward Miss America. "I'll be on the roof. Come speak to me whenever you are able." With that, Hyperion left America to wrap up with Kate. He waited on the roof for (an unspecified amount of time). Once Miss Chavez finished her little heart to heart with Miss Bishop and came up to the roof, Hyperion didn't waste any time and got down to business. "Hello, Miss America. Let's not beat around the bush. I'm not just here to take in Mr. Bishop and.." He paused, sighing. "Pusher Man...I'm also here as a representative of Captain America and the Avengers Initiative. The Captain seems to think you would make a valuable member of the team. He wants [i]your[/i] help protecting the world from threats too powerful for any single hero to take down. That is, if you're planning to stick around in our dimension." Hyperion paused, crossing his arms. "We could really use your help. There are threats on the horizon that're making Fury nervous. I can take you to Helicarrier Alpha to meet Captain America now. But if you want to take some time to think it over, I understand completely. Joining a team is a big commitment." Zhib-Ran said with a smile and an awkward cough. "Uh, by the way..Is there a me where you come from? What's he like?"