Okay I got most of it done now, I just finish it off tomorrow! [hider=WIP][center] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/2b8b/th/pre/f/2013/024/9/9/genderbend__madoka_kaname_by_jellihime-d5slj58.png[/img] [color=pink][i]"Being good isn't a thing you are, it's a thing you do."[/i][/color] [color=Pink] [b]Name:[/b]  [/color] Paris Rosaline [color=Pink] [b]Age:[/b]  [/color] 18 [color=pink] [b]Gender:[/b]  [/color] Male [color=pink] [b]Race:[/b]  [/color] Human [color=pink] [b]Appearance:[/b]  [/color] Paris is petite as he stands at only being 5 feet tall and has a lithe but strong figure as he only weighs in at a mere 101 pounds. He often wears tailedcoats with dress pants, belts, gloves, armbands,  and leather boots ensemble giving him a look of elegance. His combat armor is designed not to look that different from his civilian outfit as its make it easy to move in with hindrance and blend in if necessary since his combat style is dependant on being able to keep his distance from combatants so he doesn't need much armor to protect himself but gives him the ability to dodge at a moments notice. [color=pink] [b]Weapon Name:[/b][/color] Blossoming Hope [color=pink] [b]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/b][/color] [color=pink] [u]Type:[/u][/color] Static, heavily Ranged, Dust powered weapon. [color=pink] [u]Weapon Derivation:[/u]  [/color] Bow, Staff [color=pink] [u]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/u][/color] Blossoming Hope appears as a simple Bow with a rose Bud atop the limb's tip and a few Rose Quartz embedded into the limbs and grip, the body of the bow looks to be a simple branch but in reality it's sturdy yet bendable enough to be use as a powerful Bow if it had a sting. [color=pink] [u]Form 1:[/u][/color] Blossoming Hope's combat form looks almost the same as it does while sheathed with the two biggest difference being is that a string is made from the upper ad lower limb's made out of refined form of dust compatible with the Rosaline family Semblance and the Cherry Blossom atop the upper limb fully blossoms. [color=pink] [b]Personality:[/b][/color] Paris is a flirty, confidant, well spoken and affable person. An extrovert though and though as he loves being around others and spending time with his team members, otherwise he gets overwhelmed by his emotions when left alone for an extended amount of time. Because of this he loves being the center of attention and the feeling of being loved and needed by others, although he sometimes comes off as needy and high maintenance because of this. For all his confidence he still deals with self doubt and fear about his future. He is hard working at everything he does to the point of obsession, rather it's school work, hunting Grimm,  playing video games or even cleaning up after everybody in his team, he always needs to be doing something at all times. [color=pink] [b]History:[/b]  [/color] Paris is the only child of the famous Rosaline smiting family of Vale, living a life of high expectations and responsibilities, but also of luxury and wealth.  Even from a young age he was being trained in the way of weapon making as well as tending to the family's historic Cherry Blossom tree, a job that belongs to the Rosaline' heir and Leader. Paris hated all the expectations placed on him and his duties to his family, and he desires nothing but to get away from his predestined life and make a name for himself. He will become a Huntsman. Huntsmen and Huntresses in the Rosaline' family are rare and far between but not impossible as their family Semblance gives them a unique fighting stlye by controlling the dust within the Cherry Blossom tree and making a normally weak material into powerful weapons with powerful attacks and abilities. Paris' made his weapon out of a branch and fashioned it into a bow with a single bud that blossoms during combat. It was the only thing he was never given by his parents  as they forbade him from fighting at first since being the heir apparent means if he died or gets hurt the family would be Heir - less and the Tree would lack a care Taker. But Paris was adamant on his choice and after weeks and months of arguing he managed to convince his parents to let him join signal to train with the excuse that his Semblance will be stronger so it would be more useful to taking care of the cherry blossom. In his years at signal he did his best to be more then his last name and heritage, he had high grades both in grades and combat pratice, but it was never enough to make his parents stop asking him if he wants to quit and come back home as they didn't see his full potential. He always says no, and was getting tired of never reaching his parent high expectations and would avoid talking to them as long as he could. After Signal he joined Beacon where he became a part of team PYCH, it is now their second year and he's ready to do better. [color=pink] [b]Emblem:[/b]  [/color] [img]http://ih0.redbubble.net/image.24640781.5970/flat,550x550,075,f.u2.jpg[/img] [color=pink][b]Other:[/b] [/color] [color=pink] [u]Color:[/u] [/color] [color=pink][b]Rose Pink[/b][/color] [color=pink] [u]Combat Style:[/u][/color] Ranged combatant with a multitude of powerful and heavily debilitating dust based attacks. But terrible at close range combat. [color=pink] [u]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/u][/color] + Powerful Dust Attacks + High agility + Debilitating Attacks to debuff enemies. - Weak Close range attacks - Prone to causing Friendly fire - Lacks durability and endurance [color=pink] [u]Semblance:[/u] DustBinding[/color] Paris's Semblance is hereditary being transferred to each member of his family. This Semblance is the power to control and stabilized dust and use it effects to its fullest even without a weapon but he needs to be incredably close to the dust to do so. The main use of this Semblance is that they are able to use a rare type of weapon made out of an Acient Cheery blossom tree that has been infused with dust, that amplify the power of the dust within the weapon and can use it to shoot out powerful lasers beams, for example it can shoot out lasers that freezes, burns, Paralyzes and explode. [/center] [/hider]