[b] Kimlee - Mountains [/b] Kimlee was worried when Chyou got sick. It was a moment of weakness she didn't often see in her. Such an instance made Kimlee feel even more useless than she already had been feeling. She was about to ask if Chyou was okay when she spoke, Kimlee's expression dropping, her face whitening. "What should we do at this point?" she asked, the shaking returning, "We have the keycard, so we might be able to play it off as legitimate in some fashion. I'm not sure what else we could do. It'd be easier if Eien was here." She truly wished she had been more adamant about making Eien come with. He would have been more easily able to deal with the situation. He was a much stronger mage than she was, had much stronger Natrelmon, and was just generally much more capable. She knew that Chyou was right though - that they had to help. Kimlee could sense tons of Natrelmon in the complex, but they were all tightly packed together; it was far too close for any of them to be comfortable. "There are a lot of Natrelmon in there, behind the walls," Kimlee explained, clutching the pendant tightly, "I think they are scared." Kimlee didn't say it, but she was also scared at this point.