[@OneWayOut] New CS for you to rip apart. I'm up for criticism, but don't hit too hard! I have one of those damage reflect items on. Just a warning ;P Like that? XD [hider=My CS] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/9noVInB.jpg[/img] [b] Name: [/b] Asvoria Laurent [b] Age: [/b] 17 [b] Gender: [/b] Female [b] Race: [/b] Human [b] Appearance:[/b] Asvoria is rather short at 4’3” with a fairly childish frame though she is definitely heavier than she should look at around 99 pounds (Not including her weapon of course.) Her hair sits in golden curls, her outfit being a bright yellow with some black accents and her undershirt is white. She always wears her gloves Brunhild and Skuld. Not the most fashionable, but she is always at the ready. [b] Weapon Name: [/b] [b]Randgrid;[/b] [i]Brunhild and Skuld.[/i] [/center] [b] Weapon Appearance/Function: [/b] [u]Type: [/u] Offensive Melee Transformative [u] Weapon Derivation: [/u] Francesca (Axe), Warmallet [u] Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: [/u] The mallet withers up into a rectangular piece of metal to make it easier to carry around, strapped to her waist just over her rear. [u] Form 1: [/u] A Two-Handed Warmallet called Randgrid. It has a chain attached to it allowing her to pull it back in to herself if she drops or throws it. It is fairly heavy but not heavy enough to where Asvoria can’t pick it up or drag it in with the chain. [u] Form 2: [/u] The secondary form is a Francesca-like axe that’s better for throwing than the hammer form. It’s very reminiscent of the weapon her mother carried into battle. [I]Brunhild[/I]: A glove that turns into arm guard of her father’s design. It starts as a gauntlet that runs up her right arm where it eventually ends on her shoulder. The chain on Randgrid pulls back into this gauntlet. It is infused with dust and very durable. The axe and chain combo can be used as a grappling hook improvisation. [I]Skuld[/I]:Highly similar to Brunhild. The only real difference is the appearance of the shoulder part of the item which has a large spaulder on it. [center][b] Personality: [/b] Asvoria is a pretty forward and happy girl. She looks forward to a good fight, though not to her typical detriment like many fight-crazed people in stories she has read. She is always looking forward to new friends and tends to get along well with most people. She rather likes it when people treat her like a child. She finds it funny and people usually give her stuff, so why be upset about her stature and why not just use it to the fullest? [b] History: [/b] Asvoria’s parents moved from opposite sides of Vale. Her mother, a strong huntress, told her many stories of her time as a huntress, inspiring the girl to follow in her footsteps. Her father, a scientist wanted to help his little girl along with her dream decided to start working on a secret project for her. Sadly for her, around the age thirteen she appeared to have a somewhat stunted height growth. Doctors were sure that it was nothing or perhaps something to do with her aura. Yet, her hopes and aspirations for going to a Hunter Academy were unhindered and she trained as hard as she could to be ready for that. Due to a story her mother had told her where the hero used a giant hammer type weapon to save his people, Asvoria was dead set on using a similar type of weapon and of similar size. She asked her parents for help to which they of course agreed. They created the weapon much to Asvoria’s pleasure. That being said, while she was a strong girl, her size did not help her carry the overly heavy weapon. However, her father’s experiment helped in the form of Brunhild. This gauntlet, a dust powered strength enhancer as well as armor, helped Asvoria heft the weapon. She now can “expertly” swing her weapon with the powered device. He then started to develop a version two. It wasn't improved other than the extra shoulder armor and the fact it now fits the left arm rather than the right. While Avsoria is somewhat unsure of how the device works, she knows it does. The mechanical sounds they make sometimes worry her though. Of course, over the few years, Avsoria upgraded the items with a strengthened chain and added an axe transfomation to Randgrid to honor her mother’s years as a Huntress. She also learned of her semblence of Gravitic Manipulation which helped her swing the weapon around as she could make it lighter when she needed it to be or heavier when she it is needed to make harder blows. [b] Emblem: [/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/01/6c/39/016c39bdd05ad422afc2339ee01ca9a7.jpg[/img] [/center] [b] Other: [/b] [u] Color: [/u] Electric Yellow [u] Combat Style: [/u] Typically, Asvoria likes to be up close and personal favoring strong, powerful attacks though not being averted from attempting a flurry of lighter blows. [u] Strengths and Weaknesses:[/u] Other than throwing her weapon, Asvoria has no real capacity for ranged weaponry. That being said, she is great at melee combat with powerful blunt attacks with her hammer or slightly more cutting attacks with her axe. Her physical abilities at this point are rather high and her size typically throws off her peers. [u] Semblance: Gravitic Manipulation [/u] - Through touch or thorugh Brunhild or Skuld, Asvoria is able to lower or increase the weight of items. It is also surmised that this is part of the reason she is so short and why she is so heavy for her height with as thin as she is. [/hider]