This one was certainly different, and there was too much in the air to determine what he was by smell alone. [color=silver]"I have no intention of going near that destroyed caravan,"[/color] He said loudly over the rain. [color=silver]"I would have no use for a bunch of charred wood, anyway. I am mearly a travler, passing through."[/color] Sh hesitated a moment, but lowered her bow. She had long since conquered her fears. But this new world brought so many unexpected things. This thing, this being, was one of them. It was curiosity that compelled her towards him. She did her best to mask it with concern, but it was such a rare occurrence. And if they were truly on their way to their deaths, there may never be another opportunity such as this. She stepped directly in front of him, her toes only inches away from his. Her pale blue eyes peered out from beneath her hood as she looked up, her gaze getting lost in the abyss that were the tall figure's eyes. He was enormously tall, well over a foot more than her. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to pinpoint exactly who or what he was, as if a gaze or a swift sniff could simply determine that. She doubted any fight between them would be simple and swift. She was almost sure he would win, but her words weren't meant as a threat or boast of skil. Only that she would have done her best not to make it easy for him. There was certainly something to fear about this one, even his aura said so. And without a word, she spun on her heel and started once more on her path towards Okly. To be fair, all that she needed to know would be that he meant no harm to her brethren. What he did was his own business. Not to mention she had her own to attend to. If he chose to follow, her curiosity may be sated, and any aid would be welcome. And if not, oh well. The rest of her group would be along soon enough. She just had to stay alive until then. [@Crimson Raven]