[color=crimson]"Hah!Saving another village eh? As long as they pay well, I can work with that. I'll just use this coin and see what poison I could buy. Cheers!"[/color] Raijin roared as the gnome offered drinks. She didn't really notice him so much as the ale, and she downed the entire pint as soon as it was tipped over. Hefting her club onto her shoulder she was about to leave before she looked towards the elvish knight. [color=crimson]"You there! Valley Seli!"[/color] Raijin meant to say Valentine Sel'Lei. [color=crimson]"Come with me. I want to talk to you!"[/color] And with that Raijin left the tavern, offer to find another to be a patron of. She was expecting Valentine to follow, though the raging demon was more focused on the next pub at the moment. [hr] Lan sat and listened to everyone. A newcomer arrived with drinks, though Lan didn't imbibe. Instead when Merlin told them where to meet up the next day, Lan simply bowed his head and made his farewells. [color=a2d39c]"I-i-it was a pleasure to meet you all! I'll see you tomorrow!"[/color] And with that Lan made a quick exit out of the tavern. He was rather glad that he would have some time to prepare: he could use the time to gather ingredients and craft potions. Perhaps prepare some spells for later as well. And more importantly, know what he was getting himself into. As a druid knowledge of the land was important for many reasons. Not being lost was one of the simplest, but more importantly was that if they were to fend off the encroaching army, they needed every advantage they could get. The location of a river, the size of a mountain, even the direction of a breeze could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Lan wasn't entirely sure who to go to learn such things, though he could always try to commune with nature. Though she was quite a fickle mistress when it come to diverging her secrets.