You know what: fuck it. [hider] [h1]Mulp[/h1] [img][/img] [youtube][/youtube] [b][u][h2]Government and Economy[/h2][/u][/b] [i][h3]Type of Government:[/h3][/i] Absolute Scruffy [i][h3]People of Importance:[/h3][/i] The Mods (to an official capacity but not really there) Anonymous [i][h3]Economical System:[/h3][/i] Shitposts and dubs [b][u][h2]History, Demographics and Culture[/h2][/u][/b] [i][h3]Species/Race:[/h3][/i] Horsefuckers Writefags Drawfags Generalfags Based Blender Thread [i][h3]Demographics:[/h3][/i] 26,000,000 [i][h3]Culture:[/h3][/i] General culture diversifies and seperates Mulp into a series of semi-autonomous pseudo-groups based around organically shifting Generalfags and the occasional fetishist activity. Or on the whims and interests of draw and writefriends. [i][h3]Religion:[/h3][/i] Lauren Faust >Rape His satanic majesty MA Larson Best Pony Baneposting Dubs/trips/quads [i][h3]History:[/h3][/i] His disgraced majesty Moot the Cuckolded did look down upon is cesspool and spokeith "This is shit". Upon his mutterings he established a realm of containment, much like Australia but worse. Dressing the fields in red he permitted the bronies - formerly cast out in their shitting up of /co/ and the rest of the realm - back to his Empire so long as they kept to their quarters. The community known as /mlp/ flourished in shitposts and edgy autists until her Glorious Majesty Lauren Faust did visit, bestowing upon the realm her blessings and proving their superiority. Soon after the rumblings of the dieties above were felt as rumors of their visitations were felt. It was shortly after that Moot bestowed upon the board a carpet of blue, and all was angst without the porn. But so it continued under a flag of blue. Dubs checking, discussion of the fine qualities of cartoon horses, and of generals commenced unhindered. As the seasons progressed and time went on, the pride the community felt in itself and its unity became reflected in the mire of the great Divegrass Tournaments where they dispatched their greatest memes to shit up the field and to create the great salt-fields, only greatly soured for all when they clashed with Those Who Will Say for the glory of the ball. Though feeble at first, their great dynasty came to flourish. The warriors of Mulp have been tried again and again in the internet against Tumblr and Ponychan, but always proved larger. They since named Horse News as the anti-blog to EQD with the lethargic hope "that circlejerk news-blog" will stop being, and Seth will go to bed. During the era of the Meme55iah and the Dark Edgelord the people of Mulp took a refuge in the far north with the other fair critics, scorning in cross board fashion the intense "High level autism" that rocked the world it had left. Though while it distanced itself, the critical nature and drama brewing nature of its peoples meant that it was not fully ignorant or non-responsive, and while the general oppinion was negative in the absolute autism of either side they found themselves out of principle allowing knights of its own to support the forced of Gaben. With the end of the conflict, Mulp's forced withdrew anonymously along with its fellow boards. While their cousins may have supported the Edgelord in simple spite of everything, or for the lulz. In the time since, Mulp and the lands that empower it have slipped into a isolated world of mystery and mixed association. [b][u][h2]Geography, Cities, and Industries[/h2][/u][/b] [i][h3]Territories:[/h3][/i] [img][/img] [i][h3]Major Cities, Points of Interest:[/h3][/i] MLP General FoE General Satyr General Cyoa Moth Pony General Plane Pony General Bird Pony General Draw Thread Marital Problems General Spilled Milk Bat Pony Cave Inflation Skyport >Obligatory Lewds [i][h3]Climate:[/h3][/i] Salty [i][h3]Economy:[/h3][/i] Pictures Greentexts Lewds Divegrass Assets Plushies Salt [b][u][h2]Military[/h2][/u][/b] [i][h3]Organization:[/h3][/i] Masse shitposting [i][h3]Units:[/h3][/i] Shitposters [/hider]