[h1][color=orange]Saint Frank[/color][/h1] [hr] Vibrating suddenly started coming from one of Frank’s front pockets. He reached into his coat, and instead of pulling out his communicator, out came what looked like a cell phone. There was a number on the screen but no name – as it should be. It had been the calling number plenty of times for Frank to recognize it on the spot. He answered and held the phone up to his ear. [color=orange]“Yeah?”[/color] Frank said. “Hi dad!” Responded the voice of a young girl, no older than ten from the sound of her. [color=orange]“Hey!”[/color] Frank replied, keeping his voice down. A smile grew on his face but, not the malicious kind he was so accustomed to. This one was sincere. He waved Cliff over to make sure no one was eavesdropping as he continued. [color=orange]“How’s my favorite flower girl doing?”[/color] “I’m okay.” [color=orange]“Are the boys taking good care of you? Food, rest, everything?”[/color] “Yeah, everything’s good. When are you coming back?” [color=orange]“Baba and Uncle Cliff are still here with me, we’re gonna be, uh… in a meeting, pretty soon. Then we’ll be on our way back if we’re lucky.”[/color] “Okay. I saw Mister Magarac on TV again. He was with some reporters and they were talking about you.” [color=orange]“Is that right?”[/color] Frank said, shaking his head a bit. [color=orange]“What’d they say this time?”[/color] “One lady called you a man ass, and she said Mister Magarac was going to start looking for you more.” Frank couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. After stifling it, he replied, [color=orange]“Menace, honey, she said [i]menace[/i], not… nevermind, it’s okay. Did she say anything else?”[/color] “Not really. Just a lot of boring stuff about Mister Magarac's friends.” [color=orange]“Right. Thanks for telling me. I’m gonna get back to work with Baba and Cliff, so you be good, okay? Make sure the boys are doing their jobs.”[/color] “I will. Bye dad. Love you!” [color=orange]“Love you too honey, bye-bye.”[/color] Frank ended on, shutting off the phone and putting it back in his coat pocket. He leaned back and sighed, still smiling a bit. He glanced around the room, making sure everyone was still minding their own business. The guy with the crummy accent, the group of evil-looking women, and the hulking [i]thing[/i] sitting ahead of him… he was starting to get the notion that he and his men were the only humans here. And he didn’t like that notion at all. He passed Cliff a glance, who simply nodded back, assuring him everything was alright for now. [sub][color=orange]“Something better happen soon.”[/color][/sub] Frank muttered under his breath.