[hr][h1][i][color=Dodgerblue]Lihua Vuhong[/color].[/i][/h1][@He Who Walks Behind][hr] There was that slight air of confrontation in the area. Nathan might have expected a fight of some sort - but with the [i]entire[/i] Vuhong bloodline here... that was quite unlikely. Long as Nathan plays nice, so will Lihua. She'd hate to ruin this nice park. Most of Lihua's attention was on Nathan, not Rose. Though, it was hard for her to ignore the prosthetic arm. [i]Oh, honey, how did you lose that?[/i] The thoughts ran through her head before she answered her question, "I am Lihua. It is a pleasure to meet you." That was all Lihua said to her. She was hoping that Meifeng would keep her occupied, for now. That meant that Nathan had her full attention. "I needed a tan, so I came in to visit." He glanced up at the grey skies overhead. "I suppose the clouds heard I was coming, eh? But the people here are just as sunny. And the ladies. I just saw some lovely sixty-year-olds sha-shaying past us a few minutes ago." Lihua more or less shrugged off the joke. Small talk, etc. "Yeah, right." She blankly said, looking at the baby she was holding underneath her arms. Lihua wasn't buying it. She was sharp as a knife... she knew that Nathan was here in Verthaven - after avoiding the place for so long - for a good reason. She was suspended, but that didn't mean she was going to start turning a blind eye to things. She spent ages amassing a collection of information in that head of hers. Which why she created that boast "[i]NEST knows everything[/i]" - mainly because she learned everything she could from NEST, and by simply keeping her ears to the ground. Her suspicions were proven true when Nathan asked about the Changeling Unit... [i]Ah,[/i] THAT'S [i]what you're after, Mr. Danse[/i]. Lihua wished that her daughter had dragged Rose off for some adventure by now, her legs were starting to get tired standing here. She'll have to make due. While she couldn't [i]officially[/i] ask for his help, Lihua would be dumb to simply brush him off. The old man still has his uses, and Lihua couldn't say otherwise. "Perhaps I will, Danse." She said in response, half-grinning. "Someone needs to bring an end to the Changeling Unit, after all. Those [i]monsters[/i] just can't be allowed to wreak havoc freely. It'll simply be unacceptable." She looked down at Lijuan for a moment, and the child was staring worryingly at Nathan and Rose. Hmph. Lihua promised herself that she wouldn't let any of those bastards touch Lijuan again. They'll get one hell of a fight out of the woman if they ever try. She leveled her vision back on Danse. Oh dear, she feels as if she's conveying more than she'd like... Though, that statement was more to get a reaction out of Nathan than anything. "I am currently on vacation." Lihua was quick to note. She was wondering how sharp Nathan was, because anyone who "knows" Lihua knows that she's a workaholic, and [i]insanely[/i] dedicated to her job. She wouldn't go on vacation now of all times, when her talents are needed the most. Eh. She'll have to deal with it. Maximilian and his RAVENs are a massive success, even without her, so she doubted that he was in a rush to give her back her badge. "The stresses of the job were starting to get to me... I needed to remind myself of what mattered the most." She nodded her head in the direction of her one year old daughter in arm. "Not that I'm all that needed - NEST and their new team has been dealing all the major blows to the Hands of Science, and everyone who stands by them." That was more of a reminder to herself that the whole conflict against the Hands of Science had little to do her anymore... no matter how many times she told herself that, it still hurt her pride just a little. "I'm fine sitting this fight out, either way." She said, it wasn't all that true to begin with. Before they could continue their little conversation, Nathan mentioned Rose and Meifeng's conversation. Which caused the woman to turn her head to look over, and saw them chatting each other up. "Oh, dear, is it true that my daughter has found someone as talkative as herself?" Lihua started off, sarcastically, snapping her head right back over to Nathan. "I believe that the world might end." She chuckled for a moment. There was that feeling that she was getting a little off-track here. "So, Nathan, would you mind me steering our conversation back into the direction of, ah, work?" There was a question that she had to ask, and Nathan better answer it. "I'm not stupid, and I know [i]much[/i] about your... travels, across the West Coast," Lihua let the words hang in the air. "You're in Verthaven because you're chasing whoever destroyed the Wodokai, correct?" The Wodokai... A entire group of people gets massacred, and [i]someone[/i] will notice. NEST was curious, but they weren't entirely sure that Metahumans were involved. So they left it to local law enforcement, and no results were made. Lihua had to sigh. If that happened in current times, it would have made news. Lihua only knew about this because she was looking into Nathan one time, and came across the information. "... And if I were to venture, the Changeling Unit is responsible? Hm?" [hr][h1][i][color=Red]Meifeng Vuhong[/color].[/i][/h1][@He Who Walks Behind][hr] Meifeng had no idea what mom had to do with that old guy - probably some NEST crap - but hey, she can at least talk to someone her own age instead of playing third wheel to the older people. Only thing she did was that she [i]prayed[/i] that they didn't [i]date.[/i] That'd be nasty as fuck! Regardless of that, Meifeng had someone new to meet... then wondered how long it'd take before Lihua ruins [i]this[/i] relationship. Well, better make the best of it while she can. "Oh, Rose, that's a nice name, you know?" Meifeng started off, showing her usual kindness and friendliness above all else. "I'm [i]Meifeng[/i], an all star, you'll be hearing a lot of me." She boasted, leaning in with one hand on her hip, pointing a finger up into the air. Her eyes rested on the prosthetic arm for a brief moment. Huh. Reminded her of Ratchet. She was wondering how the girl was doing up there in Black Fall. Though, out of respect, Meifeng wasn't going to say a word about it. Because she had a feeling that the girl was thinking the same thing about all the scars on her face. "So many people moving into the city." Meifeng shrugged, with a wry grin on her face. "With all the sh-" She stopped for a moment, realizing that she was going to swear in earshot of Lihua, and her friend. "-Stuff, with all the stuff going on, people would be going [i]away[/i] from the city." The girl scoffed, putting her hands on her hips. Keeping up that demeanor friendly at all times. "Well... other than all that crazy stuff that's been going on, I'll have you know that this is one of the most wonderful little cities you'll find." Meifeng said. "Beaches! Great people! Excitement! This city's got all that and more." She shrugged again, maybe she's overselling it a little bit. To another person, Verthaven was just another city - but to Meifeng it was paradise! Just needed to get rid of the Hands to get rid of the drama. "If you like, I can show you around later, meet some people. I know this city like the back of my hand." Meifeng offered, before she realized that she was getting a little ahead of herself. "... If you're not busy, yeah." She awkwardly shrugged. [hr][h1][i][color=Plum]Trevor Kevin Obott[/color], and...[/i][/h1][@UrbanEvolution][hr] Despite it feeling like his shoulder was nearly blown off, Trevor managed to power through despite his horrible injuries. The young man, black hair blowing through the wind, stepped out of the NEST Headquarters, and looked up. He had the same complaints as before, it's cloudy as hell, and he's getting tired of it. Oh well, Trevor could easily head home from here. The Headquarters was, fortunately, right on the Crystal Shores. So he could just grab a bus - or walk, even. Didn't matter, because Trevor was going to stay home, and chill. Maybe check up on what Titty Monster is doing. Trevor stepped right out the front gates of the Headquarters, and looked around. He felt a slight breeze, and immediately shivered a little. His scarf managed to protect him from the abrupt wind, so it was okay. It honestly felt like November weather, opposed to summer sunshine it should be! He shrugged and started walking down the sidewalk. Trevor walked up to the bus stop. [hr] "... Now looky here." A teenaged girl, Caucasian, and with very short hair and wearing sunglasses, was leaning up against the wall across the street from the NEST Headquarters. Wearing a T-shirt with some stupid indie band logo, jean shorts, and sandals - as Luis told her, it's her incognito outfit. She was playing on her phone - inanely, not doing anything of note. Just to keep suspicion off her. She was appearing as if she was waiting for someone. Her eyes were on Trevor... A boy walking out of NEST Headquarters? Now, is he the child (Or sibling) of an Agent, or just going in for checkup? That was the question. Luis walked up, wearing a similar outfit, except his long-coat was draped over his shoulder. Ah, the advantage of anonymity. Any of the Changelings could take a scroll through the city without anyone knowing who they are. Up until they pull their big plan, of course. Luis started walking alongside the unidentified Changeling. "Ah, look at this city!" Luis grandiosely said. "Isn't it just the most perfect place? Did you see anything [i]interesting?[/i]" He winked. "Oh nothing," The woman said. "Just saw some kid walk out of NEST Headquarters." She nudged her head in his direction. Luis looked over, and saw the boy. "The gayboy?" Luis asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, yeah... Maybe we should walk him home, don't you say?" "No, no, no...." Luis shrugged. "I think [i]I'll[/i] walk our little friend back to his house... Just head back to the hangout, I'll be there in no time." The woman smirked. "You got this one." Before she broke off from Luis. The bus was coming up, and Luis immediately ran across the street, and got on behind Trevor. Instead of making his moves too early... Luis just found his way to the back of the bus, and just waited. [hr] The bus ride was boring, but Luis would rather stalk his quarry for a bit. By the time the boy got off, they were well into the Crystal Shores - going off the beaches. Luis grinned as he stood straight up, and started walking over to the exit, and stepped down. He kept a distance from Trevor, staying across the street, and out of his direct line of sight. Of course, he didn't have to worry too much about the boy looking around, he was heading forward, and only looked down to look at a text or two. Luis tilted his head a bit, raising his chin. That poor bastard. He doesn't have a clue as to what's about to happen. It was time for Luis to give the boy a "hand". He quickly waded through the crowds, and crossed the street. He picked up his walking pace a little bit just so he could catch up with the boy. Once he was close, he immediately violated Trevor's personal space. He wrapped his arm around Trevor's shoulder, and brought him in real close. "Hello, hello, [i]friend,[/i]" Luis said, in a European accent he managed to perfectly pull off. "I just saw you walking home alone, and did you know this city is dangerous...?" "Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm- I'm fine." Trevor managed to yip the words, while attempting to force his way out of this stranger's grasp. Though, every time he felt that he was getting free, the man tightened it, and pulled him closer. It felt almost like this man could break his neck in one squeeze. "I live here. I walk home every night." He wondered if his power could get him free. "Oh? Things change, friend." Luis said, he pointed down an empty alleyway. "You said your house is down here, yes? Then let's get you home before somebody gets worried, yeah?" He immediately pulled Trevor into the alleyway, and got him out of sight. They turned a corner, and Luis immediately grabbed Trevor by the neck, and slammed him into the wall. Holding him up over his head. Luis stared the terrified Trevor right in the eyes. "Now, friend," Luis said, still using his accent. "I saw you walking out of NEST Headquarters... I wonder, what were you doing in there, boy? I wonder how much you know." Trevor was shaking, he was hopelessly flailing about, trying to get out of this man's grasp. Grabbing onto his hand and trying to pull them apart, not even getting them to budge. "I-I don't know anything! I was just getting my checkup!" The boy said, determined not to betray RAVEN's trust. "Well...." Luis shrugged. "I don't know what I was expecting in the first place." He looked Trevor right in the eyes, and grinned. Next things he said, he dropped the accent, "Unfortunately, you'll just have to make a nice little message to NEST, then..." He brought his hand back, and stuck out two fingers. Nice and ready. "Wait, no, [i]please![/i]" Trevor screamed as tears were running down his cheeks. He couldn't believe he was going to die. Right after he thought his life was going to get better. Luis ignored his cries, and immediately drove his two fingers into his side, creating a hole, and sucking out his blood... However, Luis was immediately assaulted with a strange sensation. He started seeing colors, and felt momentarily dizzy. He dropped Trevor, and stumbled backwards, grabbing his head. "Something... something in his blood!" Luis managed to groan. Trevor, landed on his behind, and looked down to see the two holes in his side. He hissed in pain as they stung like a motherfucker. But that wasn't important right now. Looks like his magic drug saved him from this bloodsucking maniac. Trevor didn't know who the hell he is, or what he wanted, but Trevor knew that he had to get the hell out of here. The second Trevor gathered himself, he immediately got up on his feet, and started running. Trevor's drug was quickly cycled out of Bloodsucker's system. Turning what would have been a powerful high into a stun. He stood up, and faced down the alleyway to see Trevor's feet. Looks like he's going have kill him the usual way. Luis started running down after him. Hearing frantic footsteps behind him, the only thing Trevor could think of was run faster, and call for help. Anyone. The boy wrestled his phone out of his pocket, and immediately phoned for Henry, the only person he could think of. He was getting desperate. When Henry picked up the phone, "Henry, I-I I need your help! I don't know what he wants, but there's this maniac after me, and he's tryna kill me! Please God, come help me!" "God can't help you now, boy!" Luis shouted from behind Trevor, unsheathing some knives.