[hider=Faust] [b]Name[/b]: [indent][i]Greta Faust[/i] (Not her true name, of course. What she call herself is irrelevant)[/indent] [b]Age[/b]: [indent]39[/indent] [b]Description[/b]: [indent]This woman was a former member of the Hands of Science, and her research into potions lead to many discoveries. Faust started out in the organization pushing towards discovering more and more about her abilities, and learning all of her capabilities, with their resources. In the end, she learned little, and was nothing more than a resource to them. Which is why she changed her identity using her potions, and set for Verthaven. Where she joined Zeke's group. Faust is an aging woman, and age hasn't been all that kind to her. She's average heighted, and packing a bit of the weight. What's pronounced is her orange head of spiky hair. Faust usually dresses in black long-coats, or lab-coats, and wears gloves, and things of the sorts.[/indent] [b]Powers[/b]: [i]Potion-Creation.[/i] [indent]Now, let's take the conceptualized idea of magical potions, and apply them to Faust. She's capable of creating a wide variety of potions by mixing ingredients together. She can produce invisibility potions, potions that temporarily give people powers, potions that change emotions (like Love potions - the roofies of the magical world!), etc. How do they work? Fuck you, that's how.[/indent] [/HIDER]