[@OneWayOut] [hider=CS] [center]Team Midnight.[/center] Character application. [hider=Char Image] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gunfamfanon/images/1/18/BLACK_ROCK_SHOOTER_MALE.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1024?cb=20150808070941[/img] http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/gunfamfanon/images/1/18/BLACK_ROCK_SHOOTER_MALE.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1024?cb=20150808070941 [/hider] [center][color=cyan]"When something impossible happens, there are only two possibilities. Either your assumptions are wrong, or you have gone crazy."[/color][/center] [center][color=cyan]Name:[/color] Tam Cobalt[/center] [color=cyan]Age:[/color] 17 [color=cyan]Gender:[/color] Male [color=cyan]Race:[/color] Cat Faunus [color=cyan]Appearance:[/color] He is about 5'7 , Looks as shown and he'd rather keep his weight to himself ;) Oh, and he has cat ears. [color=cyan]Weapon Name:[/color] Ignis Gemina [center][color=cyan]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/color][/center] [hider=Weapon] [img]http://www.preferredarms.com/images/weapons/large/roman_swords/Pompeii-Gladius.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=cyan]Type:[/color] Melee/Mid-Ranged. It can transform. Does react with Aura. [color=cyan]Weapon Derivation:[/color] Short swords and Centrifugal force. [color=cyan]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/color] One sword sheathed in a sheath on each side of his belt. [color=cyan]Form 1:[/color] The blades of the swords separate from the hilt and are attached by a very strong wire. He uses his semblance to push them from the hilts (The hilts have holes to channel the fire), they can be then used as a direct attack or he can spin them about. There is a dust turner in the hilt, whichever dust is selected goes with the blade and the corresponding effect will go with the blades. In the hilt is also a semblance powered winch, allowing the blades to be retracted quickly. [color=cyan]Personality:[/color] Whilst individualistic in nature he is very loyal or even protective of any group that he feels a part of, a necessity of life outside the protection of the great cities. Whilst he can be over confident and at times clowny, in the face of overwhelming odds he has a tendency to retreat, again a takeaway of his life outside the cites where one group of Grimm often means many more Grimm if escape is not enacted. He holds hunters in high esteem but has a corresponding lack of respect for bureaucrats and other organised bodies. Though he now knows that there are factions and such among humans and faunus he does not truly grasp it, to him the true enemy is the Grimm. This coupled with his confidence and friendly nature make him easy to like and get along with. [color=cyan]History:[/color] Tam has lived most of his life as a nomad, travelling from camp to camp with a small group of family and friends. Nomads value freedom above all else, why else would they choose to live outside of the safe havens, in the wilds. He has seen much of the wild, since his earliest days he has learned to fear and hate the Grimm but most of all to run from them. Life outside the cities is hard, you can visit a village one month and when you circle back, find only ruins. You can meet other nomadic groups only to find their rotting remains a year later. It breeds a simmering resentment among the wild peoples and from that come the stories of hunters and huntresses, great warriors who fight the Grimm and win. Stories only though, or so Tam thought. One day their wagons trundled into the packed town square of a new village, to find the rapidly evaporating corpse of a huge ursa! What caught Tam as strange however was the lack of fear among the villagers, the lack of bodies. An ursa this size running wild around a village, the mere thought caused a shudder to pass down his spine and yet, here one was, and the village not a lick of paint short. Tam jumped from his family wagon and joined the small crowd in the square, the locals glanced at him curiously but soon continued their chatter and from that chatter Tam learned of a great warrior who had come, a great warrior who had slain the ursa in a single strike! A great warrior who at this very moment was in the local tavern. Tam ran back to the wagon to grab his coin pouch and with a shout to his aging mother he shouldered his way through the crowd to the bustling tavern. Music filled the musty air, a jougler playing a strange lute in a corner, the crowd gathered at her feet. Tam looked about for this great warrior but could not see hair nor head of such, with a sigh of regret he shuffled to the bar and grabbed a pint. He found himself a seat and relaxed, he could waste a half hour here without being missed. The music stopped as the crowd called for a story and the jougler after taking a mighty sip from her pint stood to address the crowd. The lute seemed to transform in her hands, there was a mechanical clank and she was holding a strange sword. The story that followed told of far away lands, plots, fights and the hunter and huntress academies. An hour later Tam stumbled from the tavern, his strides long and purposeful, he had found a calling, he would become a hunter! He left the camp a week later to travel to an academy and begin his training. They had a ceremony on the night he left, more a party really, for the nomads a parting of paths is an important event, too often paths did not cross again. Among the 'advanced' human society he has experienced much contempt and derision due to his race, originally perplexed by this he has come to accept it, for now it is enough that he can defend himself and if opportunity should arise, others. [center][color=cyan]Emblem:[/color][/center] [hider=Emblem] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/dae1/f/2012/323/b/0/brs_insane_logo_by_zombies_616-d5ljvgm.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=cyan]Other:[/color] [color=cyan]Color:[/color] Cobalt Blue [color=cyan]Combat Style:[/color] Tam fights with a very aggressive all in style, he will try to overwhelm any defense with numerous attacks, always trying to keep the initiative, keep his opponent reacting. Dual short swords are not the worst defensive weapons but they certainly arn't the best, a skilled foe may well be able to overwhelm him in turn if they can whither the storm. [color=cyan]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/color] Using his semblance he can move and change direction very quickly, he excels at close-mid range fighting. He has very good night vision and natural agility. No long range capabilities. Can't stand his ground very effectively, has to either engage or evade. Really doesn't like the rain. He is a cat faunus AND his semblance is fire oriented; double whammy. [color=cyan]Semblance:[/color] He can make fire explode from his hands or feet. These bursts of fire can be used to propel him, or offensively, though the fire is extremely dangerous in close, at mid range it is manageable and at long range it has usually petered out. If it rains or he is underwater his semblance is weakened. [His fire is blue]. [/hider]