[@Invariance Of C] Alright, pretty good. Though I feel like I'm just missing a bit of details in some places. (I will reserve the T in MDNT for you until your edits are made if you wish.) First, I'm pretty picky when it comes to appearance images and I can hardly see yours. It wouldn't be so bad if you had a more detailed appearance description. I want to know what faunus features he has, if any, and generally what he looks like. If you need help looking for an image, I'm always willing to help. As for the body of the sheet, like I said, I'm missing a bit of details and that takes away from the quality of the sheet. Firstly, the weapon. While I appreciate the picture, I'm wanting to know more about what it can do and I want you to be more creative with it. Don't limit yourself to what's in the picture. Go crazy with your ideas. This is the weapon your character slays monsters with! I see a sword and something that you can shoot, which is awesome (+1 for anything that explodes) but is that it? Is it compatible with dust? Does it only have one form? Things like that. Really just go crazy with this. I need a more detailed personality and history. Essentially, I read those to see the quality of your writing. I want to make sure you're capable of writing at a mid-high casual level, because I know many of us are capable of doing such. So, just a bit more from there would be great. I like the semblance. Strengths and weaknesses are OK I suppose, but again, looking at the combat style, I'm wanting more details there. Overall, this sheet has promise but I feel like I don't know anything about your character other than he's a kitty who can make blue fire bombs. (Which is awesome, but still.) Keep trying!