[@OneWayOut] Finally finished. I hope V.V [hider= Nova Hail] [img]http://www.wallpaperfo.com/thumbnails/detail/20120427/leather%20brunettes%20women%20wall%20blue%20eyes%20long%20hair%20digital%20art%20manga%20anime%20girls%20black%20lady%201920x10_www.wallpaperfo.com_62.jpg[/img] [center][color=aquamarine]“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”[/color] [color=aquamarine][u]Name: [/u][/color] Nova Hail [color=aquamarine][u]Age:[/u][/color] 17 [color=aquamarine][u]Gender:[/u] [/color] Female [color=aquamarine][u]Race: [/u][/color] Human [color=aquamarine][u]Appearance: [/u][/color] Her raven hair falls to about her knees when left to flow freely. It is usually tied back in one form or another depending on the preference of that day. Nova is around 5'7 and she doesn't reveal her weight because she never really checks the darn thing. Why check if you are in shape? [color=aquamarine][u]Weapon Name:[/u][/color] Mystral [color=aquamarine][u]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/u][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rcr8rcj.jpg[/img] [color=aquamarine][u]Type: [/u][/color] Transformion Weapon, Melee, Defensive, Dust Compatibale [color=aquamarine][u]Weapon Derivation:[/u][/color] Sword, Tessen, Iron Fan, Gaint Fan [color=aquamarine][u]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: [/u][/color] In Mystral's sheathed state it is far too large to carry at the hip so Nova has taken to strapping it across her back so it is still easy to grab. [color=aquamarine][u]Form 1: [/u][/color] In its first form, Mystral looks to be a normal sword with a slightly wider blade than most but even in this form there is a perk. There is a storage area for dust that changes the ability depending on the kind. Not only for the blade but for what is inside it as well. [color=aquamarine][u]Form 2:[/u][/color] The blade actually opens to turn into a gaint bladed fan. The dust being able to flow into the individual sections once activated. [color=aquamarine][u]Form 3:[/u][/color] The inner blades that make up her fan are able to shoot out on tethered wire. This allows them to be put back into place easily or used at a distances though that is not where her strong suits lie. [color=aquamarine][u]Personality: [/u][/color] Though Nova may seem cold and unapproachable at first glance, she is actually very warm and caring to any and all people, including Faunus. Instead of having problems like most, she is fascinated by them seeing as how they were the most interesting beings she had ever seen when she was first starting out again at seven. Her questions were not much appreciated by many... The phase, can I pet your 'insert animal part here' wouldn't make many people's day. She stands up for what she believes in even when others tell her she is wrong to think a certain way and doesn't tolerate people being cruel just for the fun of it. She can be stubborn and rash at times but hey, no one is prefect. The main reason she wants to be a huntress so bad is because she actually hopes that her memories will come back. She wants a complete sense of self. She also feels that she needs to protect others so no one else that may be important to her is harmed. Nova believes she owes this to Wyatt. The man that may or may not be her father. If one more hunter or huntress had been there that day than maybe the Grimm wouldn't have gotten him. [color=aquamarine][u]History: [/u][/color] Nova's first memories started at the age of seven, when she awoke with the sounds of battle raging around her and the feel of laying in a puddle of blood that was not her own. She had no sense of where she was or even who she really was. The limp hand that her own was curled in was attached to a man she did not remember. Was he a guardian? Was he her parent? Was he ally or enemy? Were they fleeing together or was he pulling her along?There was no ill feelings towards the fallen man though and she felt a deep loss at seeing his empty. It was as if she was in her own world then, no worries of the danger around her as she cried and asked the man to awake up. Nova didn't even remember his name. A gold watch clinked to the ground as she shook him, her shaky hands picking up the item just as she was snatched from the ground by one of the hunters. Grimm were all around them...hunters and huntresses going to battle on the creatures. It didn't take the girl long to figure out what had caused all this death. What they were doing out in the forest, she couldn't say. It wasn't like they hadn't asked her but the memory was gone. Pitying Nova, one of the hunters took her in and raised her. Reteaching her things she didn't remember as well as training her to be one of them. She would not let anyone suffer as she had or how the man had. No, she would work hard to be a huntress. In honor of a man she knew nothing about, she took his last name. The first name she has now was one she thought she remembered being called but even then she couldn't be sure. She decided to look forward, feeling blessed that someone had taken her in and given a roof over her head. In her teen years, Mystal had been given to her by this new family and she worked hard not to disappoint them. Making sure to get high marks.Though she has no famous name and many stayed their distance, she was fine with all that since she had a goal to forfill. ((Suck at histories...sorry :( )) [color=aquamarine][u]Emblem:[/u][/color] The symbol to right that is in the weapons appearance picture above [color=aquamarine][u]Other:[/u][/color] Nova always carries a worn out pocket watch with the name '[i]Wyatt Raze Hail[/i]' etched on the back. The glass on the inside slightly cracked in the corner. She also had a scar on the side of her head from her accident but it is hidden in her hair. [color=aquamarine][u]Color:[/u] [/color] Aquamarine [color=aquamarine][u]Combat Style:[/u][/color] When she fights with her sword she falls on aggressive unpredictable attacks with a twist of acrobatics for quick dodges. In a surprising twist, her fighting style changes one she opens her weapon, fluid graceful movements replace her aggression unpredictable with more calculation in those calm movements. The acrobatics turning into almost a dance instead of dodges. [color=aquamarine][u]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/u][/color] She is horrible at ranged attacks. She can't aim great for one and sadly, even if she threw her weapon in fan form which would return to her, it would leave her defenseless. She would have to wait for it to return leaving her to fight with only on her hands and feet. If her weapon was hit and thrown off course at all than she would be in a bit of trouble to say the least. [color=aquamarine][u]Semblance:[/u][/color] ((A surprise! No really, I can't figure out what to do yet so suggestions are welcome. Until then I am going to wait for the IC to show her semblance so I have more time to think of one)) [/center] [/hider]