[center][h1]Adria Solium[/h1][/center] [@frengo] Adria listened as the man went on. It was nice to know he wasn't hostile to her, and in fact, he seemed to be rather nice. If not a bit stern. Adria liked him. At least, until [color=gray]perhaps, you are in their keeping?[/color] The man's face suddenly became very hard. It was obvious he was seriously accusing her. She truly hadn't had anything to do with it, but from the look on his face, one wrong word could end with an arrow in her throat. "No sir, I can promise you I had nothing to do with anyone or any caravan. I'm just a simple bard. Nothing truly special about me. I'm just traveling here and there, nothing wrong with that, is there?" Adria tried to keep face, but she withered under the man's cold stare. It made her quite nervous. Oh my, she truly had gotten herself into trouble this time, hadn't she. She still had a few tricks up her sleeve if they didn't believe her story, but hopefully she wouldn't need them. Not that they would be much help, these were trained killers. It was doubtful she would get far.