[hr] [color=2F4F4F][b]Abyss[/b][/color] [hr] If there was one thing disconcerting to a man like Lester someone adjusting his water glass just to place a letter under it was and the lilac smell made him feel weird when he inhaled it so he quickly removed the letter tossing the envelope to a random corner of his hideout, not so much a hideout as an abandoned water channel but he liked to think is was a good place. He read it not entirely sure what to make of it at first not being someone who received mail often or generally at all out of personal preference but also unsure of why he of all people was being asked. Its not like he wasn't a busy man after all constantly trying to find new, interesting things to steal or people to harass though he had been missing on quality time with his favorite hero recently to his dismay. Then again it could be a good opportunity to find a number two do-gooder to have fun with in the meantime while he tried to think of where Night Terror had gone. Couldn't trust the news these days because there was no way he would just be left here to his lonesome right? The thought instilled genuine concern in him which would help the decision, plus free food was offered and it was not something he intended to pass up for now not to mention the free flight saving him the time/effort of trying to find his way by power alone. Soon enough the darkness manipulator was on a first class flight let alone his first actual flight which had him struggling to contain himself for most of the ride but no one here really needed to know who he was so it was a concerted effort except the snatching of an occasional bauble to hide in his bag. [hr] Lester, now dressed in a nice pair of jeans and light grey hoodie after the flight, had taken more than his fair share of time actually getting to the meeting mostly because he wanted to explore the city and its wallets. It took sometime for him to rein himself back in from his excitement of a new city, free food, and maybe even possible business to start around him but once it got down to getting within eyeshot of the funeral home he got more serious. Obviously he was late to the party but a few moments of watching the outdoors from the darker corners of nearby alleys or under a suspect van he found outside until he was satisfied on his security. There was not a chance he was using the door, doors were for people who actually had to use them not people like him, so his next best solution was to just slip into a dark corner of the building to find where everyone was which took maybe a couple minutes at most for his keen eyes. He found himself rather pleased to see a well stocked food table surrounded by some interesting looking people it made him wonder if they all were here because of a letter too though he suspected they actually got them more often than him, even the massive lizard man thing which he was staring at for a couple minutes. Beyond the massive...he would say elephant in the room but it was a lizard which was entirely different as well as several women, a couple were a bit broody but he didn't mind much, and some bald guys who looked like they needed to join a hair club because it must be horrible having nothing to keep the cold off. It seemed like that was everyone that would be arriving up until another younger man made a rather loud entrance via slamming the door, he seemed maybe just a bit too serious for his liking but he stopped caring momentarily, which gave him pause because he acted like he owned the place afterwards refusing to sit like all the others or eat with them really was the problem in his mind. The older man who looked like he actually owned the place was talking business with one of the bald guys who seemed rather paranoid about the proposition which he had been passingly listening to, finding the task of convincing the one employee entertaining in the way he could become his new best friend until the big man said not to also finding out someone loved recon and surveillance too made him equally interested. [i]Having choices is great, hate being stuck just doing the same shit on a different day on a job. Unless its fun like what I do.[/i] Lester realized he should actually participate not just it in the shadows like some common creeper because he was anything but common in that area. Though how to introduce himself was something of a question which he decided in plain old fashion to make a big show of after all first impressions matter the most if what a lot of people said was right. He did notice however that some of the balds were leaving seeming like they were actually going straight to work which irked the darkness manipulator who was hoping to share food with more company but it wouldn't deter him from grandstanding. He focused on the room looking at the dimensions and figuring out a exciting way of making his presence known or at least it was to him though he hoped temporary blindness wasn't annoying to everyone if it was a couple seconds. In that moment the light level of the room started to decrease rather quickly leaving it pitch black only to go away just as quick with him sitting at the table with a smile his bag of goodies kept right next to him in reach. "Sorry for the lateness but this is one hell of a town you have here, not to mention the spread and company for this party...or meeting. Kinda feels like both come to think of it but anyway this whole thing sounds like a great time though it feels like I got left behind by my buddy Night Terror because of this whole Coalition thing, which I thought was just rumor from the people on the news because they lie a lot to be honest. Oh woops." Lester said in a rather rapid way up until the end were he finally seemed aware of his pace." Looks like I forgot my manners, I'm Abyss...and well I guess you just saw part of what I can do so that's sort of an off topic now. Oh well might as well dig in and quiet down for a little, just hope those other guys don't freeze they could have at least left with hats to keep them warm." After his spouting the darkness manipulator proceeded to tear apart what food he could get on his plate having not eaten since he got to the city out of anticipation and well he was busy stealing things so there was no time to eat. He looked about in between bursts of eating with a trademark friendly smile not entirely caring if or what many of the table guests were thinking about him at that moment but was jut plain enjoying being around other people who he was apparently going to work with also curbing the thought of snagging anything because he had a feeling they might not find it as endearing as him.