[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KlByvAi.jpg[/img] [color=0072bc]"When ordering someone to use force, you yourself are forcing [i]them[/i] to not use force."[/color] Name: Sapphire Pearl Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Faunus (Cat, two cat ears, cat tail) Appearance: The appearance of Sapphire is much like the picture, though she also has a tail. Her outfit is just like that in the picture, though her tights and jacket are a blue colour. She stands at just below average height for a girl her age, and is below the average weight. Weapon Name: Gemtra Weapon Appearance/Function: The general appearance of Gemtra is like a longsword, however with a special sapphire gem within that expands and forms the sword itself. The weapon is generally used for combat. Type: Melee-Defense, Range, multi-form, non-aura interactive Weapon Derivation: Gemtra was inspired by knights of the past, whom carried swords and shields in either hand. Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: When sheathed (or holstered, whichever way you prefer to put it), Gemtra is only the hilt of it's full form, with or without an ammunition clip within it. Form 1: Gemtra's first form is the primary form taken when in combat. The gem of the blade runs the length of a long sword, with one sharp edge and a sharp point. This is primarily used for duelling, as well as general melee fighting. Form 2: Form number two makes a lot of people think that Sapphire had broken Gemtra upon their first looks, however in reality, a second later, they see it had all come as planned. With the squeeze of the grip in the right spot, Gemtra splits six ways open, like a flower with it's petals. The sharp edges on it gives the impression that Gemtra shattered, however this form can be used for both melee and ranged attacks, as it opens up for the barrel in the hilt to fire. As well as this, Gemtra's second form allows for defense, as it also acts as a shield with it's wide area. Spinning the petals of the 'shattered' weapon also has the advantage of making it an effective barrier against attacks. Form 3: The third form is not exactly a proper form, it's actually the holstered form of Gemtra. When in the holstered form, if it has an ammunition clip inserted, it can act as a simple pistol. Personality: Sapphire constantly giggly and excitable, often squealing out in joy. However, at the same time, she is only like that when around her friends and her team, as she is slightly shy. Generally, though, she considers someone a friend if she gets used to them quickly, and she keeps happy even around people she does not know. Sapphire also often presents her cat side, intentionally or unintentionally, by purring, for example, or meowing. She is also affected by catlike things, like catnip or cat toys, like remote control mice. There are some things that Sapphire does not like to talk about, such as her past, and she usually tries to avoid answering about them. History: It was not long after Sapphire first discovered hunters and huntresses in books filled with stories of their great deeds that she herself wanted to become a huntress. Her parents, whom both were White Fang members, trained her to fight, but not for good. They wanted her to be like them, to bomb trains, to fight for the White Fang. However, Sapphire only realized this after she accompanied them and a few other members of the White Fang on some raids. After that, taking her weapon and some life essentials with her, she left. The worst of it all was that at that time she was only eight. Sapphire lived on her own for two years before being picked up by a huntress who had long since passed her own training. Seeing the young Faunus' state, the huntress, miss Diamond Pearl, took her in. Upon realizing that young Sapphire wished to be a huntress, Diamond assisted her in upgrading her sword to be a better, more efficient weapon. Just after her sixteenth birthday, Sapphire's home village was attacked by a sudden surge of Grimm that broke through the walls meant to hold them back. Everything was torn apart in front of her, from homes to her adoptive mother Diamond. Only by a thread did Sapphire survive by fighting her way through the hordes of Grimm until they finally stopped coming. It was later discovered that the wall fell because of a White Fang bomb. It was this great feat that granted Sapphire one year early access into what was known as Beacon academy. She passed the original initiation, in the Emerald Forest, and was assigned to team FRST, also known as team Frost. Now, Sapphire is a second year student, though still the age of a first year. Emblem: [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/d6de/f/2011/175/3/8/wolf_emblem_by_the_silver_rhythm-d3jwi6p.jpg [/img] Other: Color: Sapphire blue Combat Style: Sapphire prefers to close in during combat, as she is best in hand-to-hand combat. Strengths and Weaknesses: Sapphire is proficient in close-up combat, however she is still able to do ranged combat with the ranged form of Gemtra. Sapphire has a fear of water, and when angry she generally just loses control of herself. The same can be said when she is upset. Semblance: Fuel of Tears: Sapphire's power grows if she has tears running down her cheeks. This doesn't work with fake tears; if she is trying to fake crying, for example, to make her power grow. Unfortunately in addition to this, Sapphire grows angrier with each tear, depending on the situation. It's either that, or she just sobs sadly. [/center]