[center] [img]http://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/b0d15ca503716f39_4-1106/modern-wall-decals.jpg[/img] [h1]An Era of Devastation[/h1] [h3]Why look at the past when you have now?[/h3] The World seems to be on track for an era of destruction. Less then two weeks ago the Turks shot down a Russian Plane. Syria and Iraq are being devastated by extremist groups. North and South Korea have a huge amount of tension between the two, and it seems like the world is entering a new Era, and Era of Devastation. If we are not careful, the world may enter a time of inescapable madness and war. Welcome to an Era of Devastation, my second attempt at holding an RP here. This RP will take place on December 1st, 2015. It will be a character base RP with a claim a nation type of going about it. To claim a nation, just comment which one you want and if you are the first to claim it you will get to play as that nation. Standard RP rules apply. [hider=Claimed Nations] Russia (Claimed By PolishKing) DPRK/Best Korea/North Korea (Claimed by Chairman Stein) China (Claimed by Cold Hands) Philippines (Claimed by Comrade Doge) France (Claimed by aladdin_sane) Syria (Claimed by Blackhawk) Nigeria (Claimed by UltikanaRe) USA (Claimed by gorgenmast) Finland (Claimbed by Keyguyperson) Brazil (Claimed by The Great Nahman Jayden) South Korea (Claimed by The Grey Warden) Australia (Claimed by Kangaroo) Canada (Claimed by Lauder) Japan (Claimed by Milkman) Ukraine (Claimed by Jotunn Draugr) Armenia (Claimed by MetalLover) Ireland (Claimed by Dinh AaronMk) Poland (Claimed by CoG) UK (Claimed by Iluvatar) Israel (Claimed by Zoldyck) Germany (Claimed by Combo move) [/hider] [/center]