[sub][i]“For years we believed The Batman to be a ghost; an urban myth. But we were wrong, and for these last few years… things have been better. How is it that one man in a Halloween costume gets more done than an entire Police Department? I don’t understand it.”[/i][/sub] [hr][hr][center][img]http://img12.deviantart.net/1c8b/i/2012/101/6/3/batman_logo_design_by_shadowrenderer-d4vrybo.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [color=black][B]| IDENTITY: |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT]Bruce Wayne, AKA Batman; The Dark Knight[/INDENT][/color] [color=black][B]| ORIGIN & BACKSTORY: |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT][i][b]1976-2000: Before the Bat[/b][/i][/indent][/color] [hider=Hider][color=darkgray][list][*][b]1976[/b] | Bruce Wayne was born the second child of [u]Thomas Wayne[/u] and [u]Martha Kane[/u] in 1976 in the New Jersey hub known as Gotham City.[/list] [list][*][b]1984[/b] | Bruce’s older brother, [u]Thomas Wayne Jr.[/u], is admitted to Arkham Asylum after a series of mental breakdowns.[/list] [list][*][b]1986[/b] | Bruce Wayne witnesses his parent's murder. With his parents dead, the guardianship of Bruce falls to [u]Alfred Pennyworth[/u].[/list] [list][*][b]1988[/b] | Bruce’s childhood relationships grow distant as he feels a fury of anger consume him, of which he begins an aggressive streak that leads to Alfred sending him off to military school. [/list] [list][*][b]1992[/b] | At the age of sixteen he requests to leave the academy to pursue civilian academics. For the next several years he attended universities all over the United States including Empire State University in New York City, Metropolitan University in Metropolis, and ultimately the University of Gotham in his hometown. A young [u]Victoria Vale[/u] interviews him for the university’s newspaper. This would be the first time Bruce would be interviewed after his parent’s murder.[/list] [list][*][b]1997[/b] | Bruce feels his academic interests are met and begins working on conditioning himself for a war he did not yet realize he was preparing to fight. This leads him to prominent escapologists, martial artists, and investigators of various reputations.[/list] [list][*][b]2000[/b] | Bruce joins the League of Shadows, though their relationship is short when he learns of the leader's radical beliefs and plans after Talia, a member of the society, dies on a mission.[/list][/color][list] [/list][/hider] [color=darkgray][indent][i][b]2001-2003: Early Years[/b][/i][/indent][/color] [hider=Hider][color=darkgray][list][*][b]2001[/b] | Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham City.[/list] [list][*][b]2001[/b] | The Dark Knight, The Batman debuts. Beginning to work ferociously against the crime families of Gotham and soon anyone else.[/list] [list][*][b]2001[/b] | The Roman Empire begins to lose its hold on Gotham as Carmine Falcone is sentenced to prison and Gotham’s criminal underworld falls apart as several crime families and syndicates fight for the Roman Empire’s lost territory and strength.[/list] [list][*][b]2002[/b] | The criminal factions of Gotham fight amongst themselves as they stake claims on the territory left weakened by the incarceration of Carmine Falcone. Left with a deteriorated hold on the underworld, Mario Falcone steps up to aggressively hold Roman territory.[/list] [list][*][b]2002[/b] | Franco Bertinelli is murdered and Helena Bertinelli is critically injured due to a mob hit.[/list] [list][*][b]2002[/b] | An investigation into [u]Yuri Dimitrov[/u] leads Batman to nearby Bludhaven which is where he discovers something that could implicate Wayne Enterprises when technology falls in the hands of The Blockbuster Gang.[/list] [list][*][b]2002[/b] | Batman connects Dimitrov to [u]Edward Nashton[/u], acting CEO of Wayne Enterprises. In the end with a confrontation and a call to the GCPD he is incarcerated. This event becomes a catalyst as [u]Stephanie Nashton[/u], Edward's young daughter becomes obsessed with who Batman is.[/list] [list][*][b]2002[/b] | Yuri Dimitrov and Edward Nashton's criminal activity links to a concerning foreign element in the city which reveals itself to be the League of Shadows itself, who have apparently survived Bruce’s attack on them when he was a member. The investigation explodes come Christmas Eve when Ra's al Ghul reveals to Bruce that he has indeed survived and intends to use Gotham as the blueprint for his new world[/list] [list][*][b]2002[/b] | Bruce meets a man called [u]Wesley Dodds[/u] who gives an antidote to those infected. Dodd’s reveals to Bruce that he’s been following a trail of strange chemicals, thefts at ACE chemicals, and other such things for several months and believes that Ra’s al Ghul intends to make Gotham suffocate on the toxin through the water supply or controlled infections of some sort. It is later revealed that Dodds is the vigilante detective known as “The Sandman”. In the end the two work together and foil the League of Shadows plot.[/list] [list][*][b]2003[/b] | [u]The Joker[/u] debuts as he attacks the Gotham City Fairgrounds where he creates an event that would shake Gotham— the Haly’s Circus Massacre. Batman would arrive at the chaos only to realize that The Joker had disappeared without a trace before he arrived.[/list] [list][*][b]2003[/b] | Bruce Wayne takes in [u]Richard Grayson[/u] as a ward.[/list] [list][*][b]2003[/b] | [u]The Huntress[/u] debuts and causes conflict with Batman after assaulting the mobsters who wronged her.[/list] [list][*][b]2003[/b] | [u]Clayface[/u] debuts; the production of a movie adaption of Basil Karlo’s “The Terror” becomes a case for Batman when the actors are attacked by a deranged assailant.[/list] [list][*][b]2003[/b] | Batman defeats [u]The Monk[/u] after a failed blood sacrifice is brought to a end by Batman.[/list] [list][*][b]2003[/b] | Following his battle with The Monk, Batman then has to deal with a psychopathic scientist named [u]Karl Hellfern[/u] only weeks later. Hellfern’s intent is much more grandiose than Tepes as Batman soon comes to realize as the mad doctor attempts to use an experimental poison to extort money from the Gotham high society with the help of his assistant.[/list] [list][*][b]2003[/b] | Richard Grayson discovers Bruce Wayne is Batman.[/list][/color] [list] [/list] [/hider] [color=darkgray][indent][i][b]2004-2009: Dick Grayson Years[/b][/i][/indent][/color] [hider=Hider][color=darkgray][list][*][b]2004[/b] | Using “outside of the box” thinking Dick Grayson deduces the culprit of a serial arsons case: a former Gotham City Fire Department member who later became Carmine “The Roman” Falcone’s number one “eraser” named [u]Garfield Lynns[/u]. In the confrontation with Lynns; Robin debuts.[/list] [list][*][b]2004[/b] | [u]The Freeze[/u] causes havoc at the local branch of Stagg Industries in Gotham City—using their cryogenic technologies to demand ‘retribution’. As Batman & Robin deal with Freeze the truth of Stagg’s criminal actions against them are revealed but Batman quickly makes it a point that the civilians put in danger are not fair exchange for Freeze’s husband’s life being stuck in limbo.[/list] [list][*][b]2004[/b] | [u]The Freeze[/u] causes havoc at the local branch of Stagg Industries in Gotham City—using their cryogenic technologies to demand ‘retribution’. As Batman & Robin deal with Freeze the truth of Stagg’s criminal actions against them are revealed but Batman quickly makes it a point that the civilians put in danger are not fair exchange for Freeze’s husband’s life being stuck in limbo.[/list] [list][*][b]2004[/b] | The investigation regarding [u]The Scarecrow[/u] comes to a heading as the criminal reveals himself to Harvey Dent as he exposes the fractured district attorney with a strong dosage of his fear gas. The fight is a vicious one, but having information beforehand they are more prepared for the Scarecrow’s tactics and defeat him. Crane soon is locked away at Arkham Asylum. [/list] [list][*][b]2004[/b] | Harvey Dent apparently loses his mind and goes on a breakdown as the press remarks on the ‘new’ Harvey as “Two Face”. The naming convention by the press only serves to continue Dent’s mania to the point even his daughter can’t keep him from embracing chaos. This comes into a confrontation with Harvey and Batman where he starts serving judgement on criminals, supposedly corrupt police, and other citizens in a fit of mania.[/list] [list][*][b]2004[/b] | Nearing the end of the year on Halloween, the Joker reveals himself once again as he intends to use the holiday as he ignites a bomb scare by leaking information to the Gotham Gazette that thirty-seven bombs will go off anywhere between one hour to twenty-four hours. Batman pushes himself as he finds and disables each of the bombs. The Joker is gone by the time all of the bombs are found and disabled—as if he continues to mock Batman himself with his games.[/list] [list][*][b]2005[/b] | A group of Purifiers attack the University of Gotham, causing [u]Pamela Isley[/u]'s x-gene to reveal itself. Batman & Robin subdue the Purifiers and this “Poison Ivy”.[/list] [list][*][b]2005[/b] | Robin collaborates with a vigilante calling herself “Batgirl” ([u]Barbara Gordon[/u]) as they work together to clear the name of GCPD's [u]James Gordon[/u]. At the end it is revealed that it is the work of none other than [u]The Penguin[/u]’s top man, [u]Ignatius Ogilvy[/u].[/list] [list][*][b]2005[/b] | The Joker reappears with a mutant by the name of [u]Killer Croc[/u] as they claim to be a “Circus of Strange”. The Joker is defeated and captured alongside Croc in the end.[/list] [list][*][b]2007[/b] | The Joker escapes from Arkham Asylum for the first time, appealing to the psychological problems Dr. [u]Harleen Quinzel[/u] has. Appearing at Gotham General in full doctor attire and on national television, The Joker challenges Batman to stop him from ‘giving everyone free healthcare’ and asserts a time limit. The Joker is aided by the obscure villain, [u]Harlequin[/u], who is a handful for Batgirl as Batman deals with the Joker himself.[/list] [list][*][b]2008[/b] | At a New Year’s party at the Kane Estate, Bruce Wayne discovers his cousin and childhood friend, Katherine Kane, has been released from the military and has returned home to Gotham. When the party ends he returns to Wayne Manor to gear up for the first patrol of the year. Throughout the week following a new enemy for the Batfamily debuts— [u]Killer Moth[/u]. A con man and thief with a murderous motif, Killer Moth attempts to rob and murder [u]Bette Kane[/u]’s mother.[/list] [list][*][b]2008[/b] | The appearance of a mysterious figure called [u]Enigma[/u] confuses the police and even Batman himself. Setting a sequence of complicated clues based on riddles, Enigma taunts Batman and his allies for months on end. This ends as a “cold case” for the heroes.[/list] [list][*][b]2009[/b] | Perhaps it was the weight of the shadow of the Bat, or all of the sleights Robin had thought had been dealt to him unfairly but in the later months of the year it finally came to a point where Dick Grayson had enough. In a discussion between him and the titular caped crusader it came to a point where it spewed into an argument and the first boy wonder retaliated with his abdication of the Robin title.[/list] [list] [/list][/color][/hider] [color=darkgray][indent][i][b]2009-2014: Tim Drake Years[/b][/i][/indent][/color] [hider=Hider][color=darkgray][list][*][b]2009[/b] | [u]Tim Drake[/u] debuts as the second Robin months after deducing and convincing Bruce that he is the best choice to succeed Dick Grayson. Bruce likens Tim’s method as to “blackmail” though he cannot but help but admire the deductive and investigative abilities the young twelve-year old has. This would cause strife between Barbara and Bruce for a time as the red-haired vigilante speaks critically of how quickly Dick was replaced..[/list] [list][*][b]2010[/b] | A vampire hunter by the name of [u]Blade[/u] arrives in Gotham City and comes into conflict with Batman. After resolving their issues it becomes apparent when [u]Emily Briggs[/u] is attacked by an obscure figure who fits the description given to Batman by Blade. Batman, Robin, and Blade defeat this seemingly supernatural foe.[/list] [list][*][b]2010[/b] | After a vicious attack by the League of Shadow's top dog, [u]Bane[/u], Bruce is left hospitalized. Dick Grayson returns to Gotham and takes up the mantle of Batman while Bruce is recovering. During this Knightfall event Bruce's cousin, Kate, discovers the secret of the Batfamily and subsequently becomes [u]Batwoman[/u].[/list] [list][*][b]2010[/b] | Following an injury by Bane during the events of Knightfall, Barbara Gordon creates a Gotham-based faction called the [u]Birds of Prey[/u]; donning a new callsign as Oracle, as she recovers from her injuries.[/list] [list][*][b]2011[/b] | [u]Stephanie Brown[/u] debuts as [u]The Spoiler[/u] when Tim investigates a plot by [u]Anarky[/u].[/list] [list][*][b]2012[/b] | Batman comes into conflict with the [u]Red Hood[/u] and his group, “The Outlaws” after an incident.[/list] [list][*][b]2013[/b] | Cassandra Cain appears in Gotham; and soon takes up the mantle of Batgirl.[/list] [list][*][b]2014[/b] | Tim Drake steps aside upon the discovery and arrival of [u]Damian Wayne[/u], Bruce's [i]son.[/i][/list] [list] [/list][/color][/hider] [color=darkgray][indent][i][b]2014- : Damian Wayne Years[/b][/i][/indent][/color] [hider=Hider][color=darkgray] [list][*][b]2014[/b] | The League of Shadows attempts to use Damian to attack Bruce's operations from the inside. However, it fails when Damian changes sides.[/list] [list] [/list][/color][/hider] [color=black][B]| ATTRIBUTES: |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][indent][b]Acrobatics[/b] – Starting with his instructor in France, Bruce has in combination with his conditioning trained to be sufficient in parkour and gymnastics allowing mobile movement in any given environment. [b]Criminology[/b] – Starting with his study of criminology in college, Bruce has long since specialized in the thinking and methods of criminals to counteract them. [b]Escapology[/b] – Trained by master magicians, ninjitsu masters, as well as con men; Bruce has found himself skilled in the art of sleight of hand and lockpicking and getting out of restraints whether they are handcuffs, rope, or other objects with the use of restraint. [b]Genius Level Intellect[/b] – Bruce Wayne is one of the most brilliant minds of his generation with understanding of a multitude of subjects. This can be supported with his analytical and cunning mind as well as his knowledge of the matters of business, mechanical engineering, criminology, and computer sciences. [b]Hand-to-Hand Combat[/b] – Bruce is an expert on a variety of martial arts that include jujitsu, aikido, boxing, karate, ninjitsu, krav maga, sambo, and various other styles. He has been heralded as one of the finest martial artists in the world for those who know of his ability. [b]Investigation[/b] – Bruce’s perception is highly astute, allowing him to pick up on things in his environment and in his opponent that would be difficult to others. This allows him to be a master detective and perceptive fighter. [b]Physical Conditioning[/b] – Through intense training, specialized diet, and biofeedback treatments, Batman represents the pinnacle of human physical prowess. [b]Stealth[/b] – His ninjutsu training has made him a master at stealth and capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. [b]Weaponry[/b] – Bruce is skilled with a variety of weapons and gadgets from swords, throwing weapons, blunt objects, and tools. He is not too experienced with the bow & arrow, however.[/INDENT][/color] [color=black][B]| CHARACTER NOTES: |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT][i][b]Robin[/b][/i][/indent][/color] [hider=Richard “Dick” Grayson][color=darkgray][INDENT]Richard Grayson was born in 1992. He became Robin in 2004 and retired the role in 2009; he is currently known as the vigilante by the name of Nightwing.[/indent][/color][/hider] [hider=Tim Drake][color=darkgray][INDENT]Tim Drake was born in 1997, and is the son of the financial component of FoxTECH Solutions, Jack Drake. He became Robin in 2009 and retired the role in 2014; he is currently known as the vigilante by the name of Red Robin.[/indent][/color][/hider] [hider=Damian al Ghul][color=darkgray][INDENT]Damian al Ghul was born sometime after Bruce left the League of Shadows. He became Robin in 2014.[/indent][/color][/hider] [color=darkgray][INDENT][i][b]Batgirl[/b][/i][/indent][/color] [hider=Barbara Gordon] - [/hider] [hider=Cassandra Cain] - [/hider] [color=black][B]| CHARACTER GOALS: |[/B][/color] [color=darkgray][INDENT][s]Well, a lot of our previous Batman players are pretty much missing in action and I’d hate to put up an application without Eddie being around to understand we are rebooting, but as Maximum showed is that I can play Batman with enough inspiration and variety to keep it interesting and experienced. I strive to work with legacy characters and other contenders to make an enjoyable Gotham scene. To add on to that, honestly, I can be active fairly often, and I’m a general team player. I can provide a competent and active Batfamily with conflicts that isn’t just him thwoping the Joker. There’s going to be plenty Bruce Wayne as much as there is The Batman and his dynamic with his supporting cast is something I can provide that will be different from previous incarnations by Byrd in World of Heroes and MB in Ultimate DC and Singular Universe. I constantly research, make links, communicate, as well as set aside time DAILY to decide what I’m doing with my next post, and read the backlogs of the entirety of the superherohype run as the most immersed player that debuted in 2013. I can tell you one thing: nobody is going to these lengths. I will attempt to go at great lengths to make sure this Batman doesn’t disappear in a month and we have a missing Justice League member on our roster. I will refuse to slip up.[/s][/INDENT][/color] [color=black][B]| REFERENCES: |[/B][/color]