[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/b5/c4/77b5c465a0e0812de8c7b3b21a1bbc57.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Yami Crimson [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] Yami stands at 6'0 tall while having a lean build to his body. Yami wears a black jacket over a red hoodie that covers up a thin layer of modern day chain mail like material to help stop any blow that may catch him in the body. Along with his black jacket and red hoodie, Yami wears black pants to match, with Red combat boots that match the same color as his hoodie. A necklace that has a upside down V emblem on a locket is located around Yami's neck at all times. The locket was passed down generations in his family, said to bring good luck to whoever has it on. Yami wears a large wrist gauntlet on his left wrist, that stores the many crossbow bolts in it for easy loading. Yami's weapon is held inside a large backpack that is carried by Yami at all times. Inside the backpack is a assortment of items used by Yami on a daily basis, especially a large notebook filled with Yami's writings and drawings. [b]Weapon Name:[/b] Scarlet Fever [b]Weapon Appearance/Function:[/b][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/184/2/f/eric_marma_s_hook_swords_crossbow__rwby_oc_weapon__by_jackbryanreynard-d7p4aq7.png[/img] [b]Type:[/b] Ranged, Melee, Dust. [b]Weapon Derivation:[/b] Crossbows of the early days, Ice Climbing Pick [b]Holstered/Sheathed Appearance:[/b] Scarlet Fever while Sheathed is folded over and condensed to be compact. Yami carries his weapon his back. [b]Form 1:[/b] The form Scarlet Fever first takes is the Crossbow form. This form allows Yami to shoot dust powered bolts from the crossbow at a safe distance. The bolts are located in the gauntlet that Yami wears on his left wrist, which Yami can place the bottom of the gauntlet on the loading bay and the Bolt drops out onto it, ready to be fired. Yami can fire a array of dust powered bolts from Fire, to Ice. [b]Form 2:[/b] The second form Scarlet Fever takes is the modified form of a modern day Ice Pick. The large Ice Pick is a two handed weapon, that is durable and strong enough to hold Yami's weight if he needs to latch onto something, and strong enough to take on a Grimm head on. [b]Personality:[/b] Yami is a very quiet individual, rarely speaking even to his teammates and friends. Choosing a life of peace and quiet has always seemed like the best choice for Yami, usually taking a more relaxed and chilled path through life than the party animal wild type. Using his free time to read, write, or draw. Yami is a very literate person, knowing many different novels front to back. Yami will keep to himself on matters, only speaking up to give his opinion when asked for it. Because of his very quiet and laid back nature, Yami tends to sneak up on people by accident, his presence not able to be detected by humans and faunus alike. Always keeping to himself has gotten him the reputation that he doesn't care for anyone but himself, but that is far from the truth. Yami cares for those around him, but never has the courage or drive to truly show them that he cares. [b]History: [/b] Yami grew up a only child to a single mother who was always away at work. Yami never really got out of the house much, never really talking to the kids in his class or the kids in his neighborhood. Yami always wanted to get out one day and show people how much fun he can really have but the day never came, he got older and older and the window of opportunity was getting smaller and smaller. Yami knew he had to do something spectacular in order to do something with his life. That's when Yami started researching about the job of being a Hunter. Yami never really wanted to be one per-say, but when he started training he couldn't stop. From the early morning hours when his mom left for work to the days of midnight, Yami trained hard in the comfort of his own home. Yami grew older and older as his skills began to sharpen, Yami's mother had noticed the change in her son and knew instantly what had changed him so much. Yami's mother one day stayed home from work, pretending to leave the house only to walk outside to see Yami working hard at becoming a hunter, doing basic technique exercises. Yami's mother stopped him and led him to her bed room where she opened the closet to reveal a large, dusty trunk under a heap of clothes. Inside the trunk was Yami's future weapon "Scarlet Fever". The weapon had belonged to his father, who on mission died, only to leave behind his weapon for his son. Yami took the weapon and honed his skills even more with it. Yami got accepted into Beacon the following year, learning more about fighting, Grimm and all around knowledge more than he ever has. A whole year has passed at beacon for him, and he hopes the first year goes just a smoothly as it did last year. [b]Emblem:[/b] [img]http://static1.squarespace.com/static/52f80c62e4b0b3416ffca3e2/t/5388d881e4b0f93a3de6982d/1401477258406/[/img] [b]Other:[/b] [b]Color:[/b] Crimson Red [b]Combat Style:[/b] More of a Ranged fighter, keeping distance. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] +Skilled Marksman +Very Quiet and Sneaky, (Able to sneak up on people) -Teamwork -Average Close Ranged Combat fighter [b]Semblance:[/b] Chameleon: Able to change his body to become near invisible to those around him. His entire body blends in with the area around him, and can be very versatile for Scouting out, or help his teammates from afar without being seen. Although he blends in with the area, that doesn't mean he can't be seen if detected by someone. If someone concentrates hard enough, they can see the outline of his body or if he makes a noise it can easily give away his position. [/center]