Shadar watched the prooceedings with a calm demeanor, though he couldn't help but chuckle just a bit when Ennis asked that they not consider his position when speaking to him. Considering what his 'position' currently was, Shadar felt that this was a laughable remark at best. After the heartfelt reunion of the royal family and what he guessed to be their former bodyguard(why was she an outcast if they seemed to still care for her, I wonder. That'd be an interesting story to hear.), the group split from each other, with Cyril leading the others to meet his Sentinels and the queen leading him to a more private area. Once they were as alone as one could expect to be, the queen spoke, asking for his mane and his explanation. She didn't ask him for everything, though, just what he could tell her. The difference might seem minimal to most, but it was the only readable thing the queen had done so far, and it only confused him further. He wasn't used to nobles being so understanding of such things, and it put him on edge around her. He didn't like it when he couldn't get a read on people, as he never knew what to expect from such individuals. "Shadar Maeneld of Jasi, monster among men and a child of the Masked Divine," Shadar said as he opened the mandibles around his mouth, making what look like a face plate seperate to sees human-ish mouth full of very sharp teeth, and he quickly retracted then afterwards, giving the queen a few seconds of silence to absorb what he said. "I was raised in an orphanege with my brother, Drosil, and have been cursed to look like this for all my life. The reason for me telling you this is simple: your brother met Drosil and your newly returned Joy, or Vesta as you called her, both met my brother, and Joy saw what happened to him. With both the prince and what I thought to be a bandit suspicious of me, in a time regret such things most likely lead to death, my usual attempts at evasion would've quickly soured. As such, the least I could do is limit the amount of people who know my lineage." Shadar cracked his neck and knuckles a little, staying silent as a guard passed by, a silent glare from the giant quickly hurrying the man in his way. "Anyway, I'm sure in that moment of whispers, your brother asked for my brother's whereabouts, but the answer I gave him is truth. You see, Drosil and I are twins trapped in the same space of reality, as only one of us may be allowed to walk around this plain of existence at any given time. The other is. . . elsewhere. Neither him nor I have any clue of where we go when the other takes over, only that it's just us in an empty void. So when my brother foolishly lost his composure at Hillsborough, turning his anger on Joy as she was the only one around, he tired himself out and switched, leaving me to deal with the questions and the mess. . . as usual." Shadar gave a sigh, cursing his brother's near-fanatical sense of justice and his inability to calm himself down. It had put them in quite the pickle and had nearly undone all the secrecy they had tried to keep over the years. [i]If only I could speak to him directly. . . then I could give him the talking to he so righteously deserves for all of his screw-ups. "So,now that you know our secret, what do you plan to do with this knowledge?"