My issues [@yoshua171] are basically thus: [quote=@Dextkiller]The only problem that I could see arising is that he simply has too many abilities. Other people being in contact with him could be confusing because they have to remember all the things he can do. [/quote] As I have mentioned previously, I find his powers to be needlessly complex, and could easily be distilled into a concept far more intuitive and less reliant on [b]walls of text[/b] to explain. Also, the "limitations" on the sword and the mind-rending are basically "pacifism," which aren't really limitations at all. Your character can and has previously used these abilities on people with almost no provocation, with nearly nothing that can be done to stop him. You also didn't address the character's biography, which I also find kind of absurd and nonsensical. It doesn't read to me like a legend or historical account as much as it reads like, "these are the things that happened so this character could possibly exist."