In a dark bedroom, dimly lit by the glowing screens of both a desktop and laptop computer, a young boy lay in his bed, scowling. Mitchell could hear the raised voices of his father and teenage sister arguing. Lorraine, his sister, wanted to go to some kind of dance, but she had been behaving poorly at school lately, and their father had deemed as punishment she would not attend. The screeching between his father and sister had grown ever-increasingly louder, and Mitchell's digimon partner, Gazimon was covering his big floppy ears with his clawed hands. [color=82ca9d]"Gah, Mitchell! Can you play some music or something to drown them out?"[/color] Gazimon hissed through his teeth, trying to be loud enough to make his point, but also keep his voice down. Mitchell's dad didn't know about his furry partner, so the digimon tried his best to remain unnoticed. [color=6ecff6]"It doesn't really matter, Gazimon."[/color] Mitchell replied with a shrug. He pulled himself ungracefully off of his bed and powered-down his laptop. Mitchell roughly shoved the laptop into a black, over-the-shoulder laptop case, then held a digivice in front of the desktop monitor. [color=6ecff6]"--Because we're going to Tokyo tonight."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Tokyo?"[/color] Mitchell shot Gazimon a mischievous grin. [color=6ecff6]"Remember that message I saw online? There's others out there like us, humans and digimon who work together. We're going to meet them!"[/color] Gazimon furrowed his brow, then frowned. [color=82ca9d]"I don't like the sound of this!"[/color]