[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEyOC5lNzdiMDQuVG1sdVlTQktaV3hsYmcsLC4w/char-bb.regular.png[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2b/f7/8b/2bf78ba0dfe65c37d0c1dcafacfd024b.gif[/img] Location: Bedroom-> Kitchen Interacting with-> Petyr [@Saltwater Thief] [hr][hr] As her phone alarm rang out loudly, Nina silently cursed the secondhand piece of technology. It was Monday, which meant school. Goodie. Another day of having information crammed down her throat and being forced to regurgitate it on paper for the sake of a letter. She sighed and rolled her eyes and got out of bed. She ran her fingers through her hair and then tugged it up into a loose bun. She needed a shower, badly, after the day at work yesterday. The smell of coffee clung to her like cheap cologne that wouldn't come off no matter how much she washed. God, she needed a new job. However, it wasn't like jobs for high school teens grew on trees in this town. She knew she was up earlier than Petyr, like usual. Nina had always gotten up early to make breakfast and lunch for both her and her brother since they were about six. It meant that the bathroom was all hers. Not that she'd take long. Cold showers were never much fun, and she tried to make them quick. Such was the perks of their lovely old house. Fifteen minutes later, she was out of the shower and wrapped in her holy robe. She padded back to her room barefoot and closed the door. She looked through her closet and then peeked over at her calendar. The 15th was circled with red and had a memo on it. "Memorial Assembly." Right, it was that time of the year again. The annual assembly for the memorial of those who'd lost their lives to that dreaded killer. She knew both Tess and Everett would need a friend, but would it be her? In Tess's case, probably not. Tess had been shoving Nina away for months, and had started hanging out more with Jay and Moon. Nina understood, but it was painful to her too. They had both lost Jan, and now she was losing Tess as well. Her right hand ran over the handmade friendship bracelet on her left wrist, out of habit. She seemed to do that whenever she thought of Tess. She shook her head and pulled out a simple pair of jeans and a blue shirt. The jeans had holes in the knees, and the shirt was ripped at the bottom hem. [color=d86c00][i]"Lovely. I wonder who will make fun of my clothing today. Yay second-hand clothing. Whatever. Rather save my money for college."[/i][/color] She got dressed quickly and headed downstairs and started pulling food out of the fridge. She set a container of overnight oatmeal out, and popped it in a pan and put it on the stove to warm it up a bit. While the oatmeal warmed up, she set to work on making lunches for both Petyr and herself. She noticed a little note on the fridge and pulled it off. [i]"Thanks for lunch sweetheart. Sorry I won't be around till Wednesday. Got a big job that needed me to go up North for a few days. I know you and your brother will be fine. Love - Dad."[/i] Nina sighed and tossed the note in the garbage. It wasn't unusual for Silvester Jelen to be on big lumber jobs for a few days. That was the life of a lumberjack for you. However, she had hoped her father would be around for the memorial. On that train of thought, she thought to stop in to see Mrs. Gray tomorrow. Sure, she and Tess weren't getting along at the moment, but Tess's mom had been a big part of Nina and Petyr life. She walked over to the stair, and called up. [color=d86c00]"Petyr! Breakfast is warming up and lunches are made! Hope you will be down soon!"[/color] She went back to the kitchen and pulled out bowls for the two of them as well as the brown sugar. It was never really oatmeal to her without brown sugar.