[img]http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee244/rexdarkheart/Anime/Anime%20Guys/JaydenWalker_zps2b0a62a8.jpg [/img] Name: Razor Whitefang Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Faunus (White Fox) Appearance: Razor stands Five foot eleven without shoes and with shoes he’s six feet tall. He weighs 240 pounds and is between and slime and medium physique. He has candy apple red eyes, short white hair, his right chipped fang, and it might not been seen, but he is slightly deaf in his left ear. His right arm has a tattoo of a King Taijitu staring from his shoulder and wrapping around his arm with the mouth open about to devour his hand. On his left shoulder he has a tattoo of a beowolf head. He is normally seen wearing a blue t-shirt with a design of a cross exploding from a skull as chips of bone fly from the open wound. Black jeans, black and white Nike sneakers, and around his neck is a necklace with his emblem on it. Weapon Name: 2 Wolf Bite Yoyos Weapon Appearance/Function: (Yoyo’s are about the size of Baseballs) [img]http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee244/rexdarkheart/Weapons/Wolf_the_Yo_Yo_by_malmida_zps28ce5472.jpg[/img] Type: Mid-ranged, dust compatible (Only uses Fire, Ice, and Lighting), and offensive Weapon Derivation: the yoyos where given to him by his adopted father. Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: the Yoyos are kept inside what looks like a fanny pack that is on the right side of Razor’s body. Form 1: Normal Yoyos (Without Chainsaw blades around the outside) (Dust compatible) Form 2: Chainsaw yoyos (Blades are on the outside of yoyos) (Not dust compatible) Form 3: N/A Personality: Razor is a kindhearted individual who wants to see people happy and keep others safe. He strives to make everyone around him feel as peaceful as possible. However, his true personality is masked by his fake personality he actually shows everyone. To anyone around him Razor comes off as rude, a jerk, and someone who people don’t like to be around. He does this because he fears that his Semblance will activate and he’d attack those around him. He pushes people away because he fears he’ll hurt someone around him. So he created a nasty personality to keep people safe from himself. History: Razor was raised by the Moon Bloods: a clan of wolf Faunus that lives in a small village outside the city. Dagger, the leader of the Moon Bloods and a few other clan members found Razor on the path to the village after they had finished hunting for food and herbs. Razor was only three months old and sleeping inside a cardboard box. Dagger had considered leaving Razor to the elements until Serenity offered to take care of him. Dagger knew that she had recently lost her son and husband to a pack of Grimm and agreed. Even though Serenity took care of Razor like he was her own son, Razor seemed to find his way into Dagger’s hut and fall asleep on the sheep skin rug in front of the fire pit. Even though Dagger originally saw Razor as another mouth to feed and an outsider, Dagger seemed to imprint on him and he took Razor under his wing. Dagger acted as Razor’s father and taught him the ways of the Moon Bloods. When Razor turned 12, Dagger introduced him to the Moon Bloods way of fighting called Wolf Combat: a cross between mixed martial arts and parkour. The fighting style tapped into their animal instincts to detect danger from affair and neutralize it. However, because this form of combat was crafted to be used by wolf Faunus, Razor had a hard time learning it. It took him 5 years to finally get to a high enough level to be considered a hunter in the pack. However, even though he was a candidate to be part of the hunting pack, he still needed to go through initiation. Razor could feel the butterflies in his stomach as he stood outside the forest with some of the hunting pack. The initiation called for the candidates to travel into the woods with the hunting pack and slay their first Grimm. Razor traveled through the woods with the pack in search of Grimm. He knew the larger the Grimm the more probability he would be accepted into the pack. However, he also knew: the bigger the Grimm, the less likely he’d make it out alive. Dagger had given Razor the very same weapons he had used when he went through initiation. Two yoyo chainsaws called Wolf Bite Yoyos. Razor and the rest of the pack stopped when they heard a twig snap, then creaking; finally he turned when he heard a massive thud. Standing where the tree had fallen was a pack of Ursas. The hunting pack readied their weapons and howled as they rushed the Grimm. Razor followed suit and attacked the first Ursa he could find by flung his yoyos at the creature. The chainsaw blades moved to the outer radius of the yoyos and began to spin just before they connected with the flesh of the Ursa. The creature roared and swiped at the strings, but Razor pulled back the yoyos before the Ursa’s claws could strike. The chainsaw blades retracted back into the yoyo so Razor could catch them. The monster roared and rushed at Razor, but the Ursa’s path was blocked when another of its kin fell in front of it with its head cut off. Razor looked to this left and smiled when he saw Dagger holding the dead Ursa’s head. Seeing him able to take down one of the creatures gave Razor a bit more confidence. He waited for the Ursa to get close and when it swiped at Razor he dodged and attacked the Grimm bear with a furry of kicks and punches. The Ursa suddenly back handed Razor into a tree and all Razor remembered was the hit and then darkness. When Razor came to, he found he was lying in a bed in the medical hut back at the village. His left arm was wrapped in bandages and the rest of his body had bandages here and there with his ribs fully wrapped. He sat up and felt a sharp pain rush through his ribs. He sat in bed for a few seconds to let the pain subside before he was able to stand up. When he walked outside, he saw the hunting pack had skinned three of the Ursas and was starting on the final one. However, when they saw Razor they seemed to go on the defensive which caused Razor to step back. He didn’t understand why they were looking at him like he was a Grimm. Dagger had walked out of his hut and quickly calmed down the hunting pack before asking Razor to meet him in the medical hut. When he followed Dagger back into the hut, Dagger explained why the hunting pack was scared of Razor. According to Dagger when the Ursa knocked Razor out, it activated his Semblance. Which caused Razor to become a wild animal and attack the Ursa, but no matter how many strikes the Ursa took. The creature wouldn’t go down. However, Dagger said that there was a sickly green aura around Razor that acted like armor and when the Ursa hit the aura. Cuts formed on Razors body, but it seemed Razor didn’t feel the pain being caused to his body. Also, it seemed with each cut, Razor grew more and more insane. Dagger could tell Razor couldn’t bring down the Grimm alone so Dagger and a few others in the hunting pack helped to take the creature down. However, when the creature was finally taken down. Razor suddenly attacked Dagger and the rest of the pack like he thought they too were Grimm. Dagger and the rest of the pact were caught off guard by his attack and before they could subdue him, Razor had injured two of the hunting pack members. Dagger said that once the aura around Razor broke. He stopped attacking them and fell unconscious. When Dagger finished, Razor’s hands were shacking. He’d never think of attacking anyone in the village. He saw them as his family, but why would he attack them without reason? Dagger told Razor he had an inner primal rage that seemed to come out when his Semblance was activated. The problem was that Razor couldn’t control when his Semblance could be turned on or off. The thought that it might turn on while he is a sleep scared him to the bone. Dagger handed Razor a flyer for an academy that trained hunters and huntresses. Dagger told Razor that this academy would help with both his inner primal rage and the control of his Semblance. Emblem: [img]http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee244/rexdarkheart/wolf_emblem_by_zaidovs_zpsucmt1jis.jpg [/img] Other: Color: Chrome Combat Style: Wolf Combat: a cross between mixed martial arts and parkour. Razor has mastered the novice portion of Wolf Combat and a few of the advanced techniques, but hasn’t fully mastered the style of combat. Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths: Ability to survive in the wild Novice techniques in fighting style Sense of smell Cooking Weakness: Sense of hearing (Out of his left ear) Keeping up his fake personality Spiders (has a fear of them) Hasn’t fully mastered fighting style Semblance Semblance: No pain no Gain: Razor’s Semblance turns off the pain receptors in both his mind and his nerves so he can fight longer and hard without feeling pain. His Semblance allows his Aura to coat him like armor so he can take more hits and dish more out. Once the aura armor is broken, his Semblance is terminated until he is able to regain enough stamina to reuse it. However, his Semblance is a double edged sword because once activated it triggers something in his mental state that causes him to go mad and attack anything and everything around him. His Semblance taps into his animal instincts and along with his madness he becomes a feral beast and losses all his humanity.