[center][img]http://www.writeups.org/img/inset/Jean_Grey_h369.jpg[/img][/center] Jean Grey levitated Blob higher and higher after the Beast had propelled himself into him and ricocheted off. As she held out her hand toward the fat blob of mass and held her other free hand to the temple of her forehead, her long red locks swirled upward around her shoulders and body majestically as if she were a mermaid in the sea. Her emerald eyes sparkled with a fiery glint as she then snapped her hand back and let the Blob free fall to the ground below. Hopefully the force of his gravitational impact would render him unconscious. Then she turned just in time to see a bright flash of light heading straight for her. Thinking quickly on her feet, she had no time to move or dodge the attack. She had to rely on her powers of telekinesis in order to block it or avert the beam away from her. Was she strong enough to manipulate light molecules at such a level? Little did she know her body was heating up, exponentially. Psychic fire was beginning to build up within her very mutant DNA. She didn't even realise that as she extended her hand out to form a psychokinetic energy shield around her, that her body was slightly glowing in response to such a focused manoeuvre. However, as the light bolt recoiled off the invisible shield and into the ether, Jean did not harbour any feelings of resentment toward the blonde superwoman from which the attack came. She instead, could feel Carol's embarrassment, as if her crimson cheeks were not indicator enough, Jean's telepathic sensors were resonating with Carol's emotional state. She could sense Carol was confused and did not mean to attack the red head. And so Jean merely let her hand slip to her curvy hip and regarded Ms Marvel with a warmer expression. She was used to dealing with mutants who had not yet fully comprehended their powers and mishaps were bound to happen. She was just lucky enough to spot it in time before being knocked off her feet. Despite being a level five mutant and a formidable opponent, Jean wasn't physically that strong to withstand an attack from Ms Marvel. 'Don't be embarrassed. I know it you did not mean to harm me.' Came Jean's soothing voice in Carol's mind like a gentle wave washing over you. She rarely invaded people's minds but this situation called for it in order to calm Carol down. Jean then gave her a small smile. “I'm Jean Grey. And we're the X-men. And we help all who do not know the extent of their powers.” She spoke aloud after she looked around and saw that most of the Brotherhood had been dispatched. She then took out a small business card from her black long trench coat pocket and gently levitated it toward Carol. “Should you ever need to seek us out again for support or help. You can find us there. The Professor makes for a good mentor.” Jean added as she saw Storm and Beast readying to depart the scene now their work was done. Jean's body still felt warm, she felt like was in the tropics and a bead of sweat trickled from her brow. She wasn't going to push Ms Marvel into anything, she was merely there to open the channels of invitation and extend forth their helping hand. After all, that's what the X-men did. She looked around once again. “Pietro? You ready to go?” She asked as her eyes darted the scene for her speedy comrade. “Well you know where we are if you need us, Ma'am.” Jean waved her goodbyes as she levitated her team mates over to the Blackbird and they departed the area back to the mansion. Little did Jean Grey know that later that night in the mansion, something [i]sinister[/i] was awaiting her.... [center][img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y28/anime_vicky/Valkyrie%20logo%20self%20made_zpsqlnkwmth.png[/img][/center] Valkyrie just shook her head at Tony's defensive remarks toward Sam. She just wished the two would get along. She was good friends with them both and hated this feeling of animosity and tension within the air. It sure brought her spirits down. Her expression was one of sorrow as she watched Stark leave the room. Upon turning to Captain America she blinked at his tale of a [i]telepathic pterodactyl[/i]? Was she even hearing him right? Did Hulk give her a bigger bonk on the head than she had thought? “Well, I'm glad you're back safe and sound now, Sam.” Formalities were not required when it was just the two of them alone in a room, without their Director. She could feel more casual and at ease around Agent Wilson than some of the others. After all, he taught her how to use her wings and soar through the air like a graceful bird. Or maybe that came with the natural agility she harboured as an Asgardian. She felt that going after Tony was the only option now to help sway him into this new team project that she had already had the heads up from Natasha previously. She nodded at Sam as he left the room and she looked toward the mirror, catching a glimpse of her slightly messy wavy locks that cascaded down her shoulders and ended at her rear. “Hopefully, I can catch him before Fury wants to see me as well.” She mused and tightened her fist to get some blood flowing in her circulation again. She felt weak but her energy was slowly restoring. She, however, sensed another Asgardian presence nearby that caused her some discomfort. And not like Amora before... She shook it off and then ran for the door. She just hoped she wouldn't have to bump into Ross either. Or she may end up throwing him over board now she found her spunk. She ran out to the landing bay where they were preparing Tony's shuttle. “Tony! Wait!” Now out in the open she opened her beautiful white wings and gently glided over to him and landed softly without her boots even making a sound. Still in just her tank top and shorts, not having the time to change into her usual SHIELD uniform from waking up in the medical bay, having Ross rant at her, having Tony demand to see her right away and then having to catch up with him before he left. “Please...don't leave things this way. Captain America...Sam...he's a good guy. And I think this new team is something special you could really be a part of. And besides, I'd love having you, and Pepper, around as consultants.” Victoria flashed that warm and gentle smile. “Just promise me that you'll think about it?” She asked with those pretty big blue eyes. “Pretty please?” This was one of the rare occasions you would see Agent Parrinton truly be herself. And much more like the Sigyn of the past. A Goddess of Fidelity. An always loyal and trustworthy friend. With that she placed both her hands on Tony's shoulders and patted him. She presented him with her own personal SHIELD card. “In case you lost my old one.” She joked, she knew Tony knew how to reach her if he wanted. His new Iron Man AI could pretty much pinpoint her anywhere in the world it seemed. And she turned around to head back inside the SHIELD helicarrier in case Fury decided to call upon her shortly for any Avengers Initiative preps. Or if Ross wanted to send her out with his special ops on a wild Hulk chase. Again.