[h1][color=orange]Saint Frank[/color][/h1] [hr] The three of them were standing outside, in the cold of the snow. Frank didn't bother putting his cap on. Somehow it seemed the level of internally pissed off he was, was keeping him warm enough already. Baba approached him, while Cliff kept an eye on the doors. "Just what [i]fuck[/i] was that, Kaal?" He asked, definitely somewhat irritated. "How can you fucking agree ta participating in dis shit show with these... fucking, [i]animals[/i]? Have you gone insane?" [color=orange]"Net te luister na my, ja? Luister net."[/color] Frank responded. Baba stopped for a second, sighing. When the Afrikaans got broken out, it was time to calm down. Think rationally. The English came back soon after. [color=orange]"I will be the first to admit how fucked up this is."[/color] Frank started, [color=orange]"But right at this moment, let's forget the... [i]usual process[/i], that we are so accustomed to, yeah? I think... Cesare, whoever the fuck he is, can be of some help to us in expanding our network. Don't ask me why, I just... I [i]think[/i] we can trust him. For now, at least. The most I want to see is this weapons deal and how much it can get us if we play ball. And..."[/color] He motioned inside, towards the table full of freaks. [color=orange]"We can consider most everyone sitting at that table a [i]potential[/i] grab. Let's not start all the snatching before we know what we're up against, yeah? See how deep this rabbit hole really gets."[/color] Baba paused for a moment, hands on his sides. He looked at the snow under his feet briefly before turning back up to Frank. "I hope ya know all da kinds of shitty situations ya could be gettin' us into." [color=orange]"Baba, trust me. The ideas are [i]racing[/i] in my head."[/color] Frank replied, half sincerely, half sarcastically. [color=orange]"For now, you and Cliff head back in there. Want you to gauge who's who and can do what. Make a... potential shopping list, I guess. I'm gonna go talk to the other guys, make an announcement. I'll radio you when we're leaving."[/color] "Fine." Baba replied, turning to Cliff. "Let's go." Frank turned and made his way from the lot, while Baba and Cliff walked back inside. An unkempt African man wearing sunglasses in winter, and a hulking brute with a gaping blast injury along his face. The buddy cop scenario possibilities were strong indeed.