[color=BDBDBD][center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3109332][b]C H A S E[/b][/url] [color=ffffff][url=https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7430371,-75.5483799,3a,75y,341.27h,96.48t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0zcTnODFuh7io7A9w2BZYg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1]University of Delaware Downtown Center[/url] Wilmington, Delaware [@Foster] [@CandiBarr] ---x---[/color][/center] Chase waited just outside the doors to the safehouse for Sarah and Wilhelm to catch up, observing the sun as it began to set in the distance. Orange light sunk behind the skyline to the West and soon the blue canvass above turned to a deep purple and the first stars began to appear in the night sky. What was once warm and stifling air quickly cooled to a light chill that was easier to breath and felt refreshing to the lungs. It gave a weary man some peace and much needed energy and helped to dissuade the urge to simply duck out and leave the group behind. As he stood there beneath a darkening sky, listening to the whispers of the wind and watching the last bits of color fade from the clouds, he realized that had things gone according to plan, he wouldn't be standing where he was now: Waiting on people he didn't care for so he could help them continue to struggle on with their miserable lives... and standing in the middle of a small deserted town staring at a sunset. There was something in the back of his mind telling him that the moment was supposed to be beautiful but the rest of the noise in his head drowned it out. He was more concerned about the fact that he was once again outside and back in his element. He felt at home and almost safer even if there was the slight urge to "get the fuck on". Light was fading and Chase didn't want to stay outside all night. However before he could put words to his protest, the Russian and the girl found him. [color=ffffff]"So..."[/color] Chase began, pulling open a map of the town and holding it up for the other two to see. [color=ffffff]"Because we have limited light and time, our pickings are slim. Luckily for the three of us, there's a pharmacy just down the street from here."[/color] There on the map was a marker showing their current location, a red dot over a square that was labeled "University of Delaware Downtown Center". From there, a [url=http://i.imgur.com/v6KtDQu.png]line[/url] had been drawn to an adjacent dot not more than a block away. At about a minute's walking distance away, a Rite Aid Pharmacy was gold. Medical supplies were literally and possibly within arms reach. Of course, as it was with Chase, there was always bad news to accompany the good news. [color=ffffff]"Given that weeks have already passed and from personal experience, I can tell you both that the place is probably already picked clean... and there's always the potential for the Dead. People tend to flock toward comfort first: Churches, relatives... hospitals and pharmacies. Let's just hope they're not still there."[/color] [center][color=ffffff]---x---[/color] [url=https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7434051,-75.5492698,3a,75y,353.97h,88.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBxOFQf4FvpB3SSuvAmJtQw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1]Rite Aid Pharmacy[/url][/center] Chase pressed himself against the cold glass of the front window and tried to peer inside. With the sky nearly dark and the drug store being pitch black, it was hard to make anything out but there was just enough light to see objects closest to him. There were shelves, empty shelves and more empty shelves left strewn all over the floor. [center][color=ffffff][i]...Not good...[/i][/color][/center] Besides that he couldn't see anything else and would have to settle with making the dangerous trip inside to be sure there was nothing worth taking. [color=ffffff]"Alright. Place is fairly large but the layout is simple enough. Square building with aisles adjacent to us and parallel to each other. We'll cut the store into the three sections. Sarah."[/color] He turned to the woman who was behind him and met with the same deep brown eyes from earlier. He felt a familiar stirring in his gut... something he planned to address and soon. [color=ffffff]"You take left. I'll take center."[/color] Finally he turned to Wilhelm. [color=ffffff]"And you take right. We'll take this slow and quiet and unless you have a suppressor..."[/color] He tapped the metal cylinder screwed over the barrel of his handgun. [color=ffffff]"Melee only."[/color] With the gun in his right hand and a small flashlight in his left, Chase carefully pushed open the front door and stepped inside a very... very pitch black Rite Aid. [/color]