[center][h1]Abandon All Hope: The Descent Canto I[/h1][/center] [center][b]A Classic Dungeon Crawl[/b][/center] This story begins in the middle. Where the characters involved have all faced their trials and tribulations. Heroes of legend, saints of old, champions of glory and valor. They are known to all, admired, feared, hated, and much more. Through their deeds, devotion, or perchance by sheer luck upon them, these living legends were blessed by a god, a god who became their patron and kept watch over their actions. A shared spark of divinity granted to them sometime between then and now, as they became partly divine by the gift above all others. Yet, at the end of it all, after the hero's quest is over, what comes to mind? After the final deed is done, the last enemy vanquished and all the people sing of your tales from every tavern or chapel, what is left to do? What endgame is there for one who walks as a god amongst mortals? Where does one such person Go? So They go to Hell. [hider=Plot] Hello and welcome to Abandon All Hope. A classic dungeon-crawl styled roleplay. This Thread is the first of 3, Segments, which shall hopefully cover the first four layers of hell, moving at approximately 1 layer every 2 months or so depending on activity levels and number of players. The Goal of this roleplay is simple: Become a God. We will begin with demigods, beings who are blessed by a patron god to share some aspect of that god's domain and powers. The world itself is an open world/sandbox environment, however the setting is relatively static, although changing layer by layer. So while you may make anything you want to let your imagination run wild, the general concept of Hell is firmly described below, as well as several other processes to mention when appropriate. However most of the thread is fluid in what is considered acceptable such that everyone can partake in shaping the world and story. The roleplay will be generally linear, although players can strongly influence what happens in the story with microcosmic plots, the plot will move along towards a definite end goal of obtaining the shiny boon at the of it all to ascend to godhood. Any subplots can be explored, although in no way should we expect the characters suddenly deciding to go back up a level in a dungeon, as the rules of Hell prevent this. Only death can be an escape to hell, or perhaps you shall succumb to the temptations of hell yourself? [/hider] [hider= The Great Post Rule- IMPORTANT: Please Read!] [u][b]Due to the nature of this roleplay, this is a PC vs GM driven plotline, hence PC interactions are vital! I do want to have everyone post at least once before a GM post is made. Hence to not bog down anyone or rush anyone, I have decided to make a simple rule to help coordinate engagement and activity. 3 posts Maximum per Person per Week (7 days). 1 Post Minimum per Person per week and half (Ten days). GM controls PC if is no post for 3 Weeks (21 days) Inactivity is set at no post for 1 month (30 days) This is designed to keep a reasonable pace as the plod goes along, and makes it difficult for one person to breeze through everything without letting others partake in the interactions. It also abolishes the need for a strict posting order and thus slow everything down as real-life busyness occurs. [/b][/u] [/hider] [hider= Rules and Basic Housekeeping] Just a few basic rules and housekeeping things to keep in the back of your mind. Conveniently there are Nine of them for you to remember. Call them the Nine Guidelines. [indent]1-Follow all RP guild rules. Usually a good idea. 2-This is supposedly a High-Casual RP, whatever that implies. 3-If you want to indulge in some Pg13+ activities, please use the PM system or else make only a subtle suggestion with a properly done innuendo. 4-If you've read these rules, please do not put anything which suggests you have read these rules in your application, I find that system very silly and enforces nothing. I trust you. 5-Please do not metagame, information can be obtained by simply asking, but please do not abuse knowledge without having a logical, reasonable method of having your character either find out or deduce. 6-Powerplay if you want, just know the consequences will send you straight to hell. 7-Godmodding? Don't even think about it, you're not gods yet. 8-Keep OOC and IC relationships separate, unless you're both friends of course. 9- Have Fun. I will enforce this rule with an iron fist. Seriously do not test me here, I take having fun very seriously.[/indent] Simple enough right? [/hider]