"Mhmm yes, finding the grey area isn't always easy they say." The silver haired woman replied, watching the armor clad woman. Listening carefully to each word uttered from the guardian of this dead world. The stranger could tell this guardian was cautious, it was understandable. She herself had seen no other, even if there were others such as spirits. Nodding silently at the comment of spirits, her eyes blinked slowly as she was asked for a name. A task easier said then done. Name? What was her name? It might be silly to forget ones name but like many of the memories that were true, it came in a static. Li... Li... She was sure is started with Li... Lia? No... That was a distorted name. It came from the tapping. Yet it was the only one that sounded proper so she at least would use that. "You know it's quite rude to ask a name without giving your own." The silverette teased softly with a relaxed smile. Brushing a gloved finger under her chin in thought, she closed her eyes. "But, the name Lia is what you can call me. Or you can call me whatever you wish." She mused before opening her eyes once more to gaze at the pink haired woman. Tipping her head slightly, she chuckled. "True, but that could be the plan. Throw a untainted soul against enemy lines. Let your guard down before striking. After all, if I'm in the grey, I'm unpredictable. Your goddess there... She doesn't know me either. That is quite odd." Lia mused, unsure how she knew this exactly. Perhaps it was gut instinct. The influence that carried her was goddess nor demon. "Though, it seems you have a little break, since your here and not fighting your opposite." She said before stepping a little closer, her moves slow yet smooth. Much like a cat really.