Hm, in consideration to how we already have two other characters who are brute force focused (Domenico and Tzu Che), so you might want to figure out something else for Grimm to specialize in. Change that phrase in regards to his shield so that it won't be able to crush the heaviest of plate armors. I'm fairly certain that there will be at least one top tier peep who goes full tank mode and has godlessly heavy plate armor or something. Seeing how he's currently in Donaieth, it might be reasonable to give his lance a more mechanical spin to it. Perhaps make it into a piledriver instead of simply a lance? His gun will not be recoilless, unless there's magitech involved. I'm imagining it more as a hand cannon than just a gun though, so feel free to correct me if my assumption is off. Where exactly does he get his mechanical intelligence from? He's born in Thao, and they generally give no shits about that, so he wouldn't exactly have any type of base knowledge regarding complex machinery (e.g guns, vehicles), unless his early years of repairing firearms was all trial-and-error-and-textbooks. Oh yeah, not sure if it was explained properly, but Thao is a place without any laws. Essentially, he wouldn't be in legal trouble if he killed an officer. Hell, if he killed said officer, it'd be more likely that he would be promoted to fill that now vacant spot. You keep what you kill, and all that. So you should think up of another reason for his defection of Thao, or at least expand on his reason for running away. I'm also liking how a 36 year old looks older than our resident 60 year old.