[quote=@ravenDivinity] I think I'm going to make a better system of dates. How about, instead of saying [i]x[/i] years before events of the IC, we say [i]x[/i] years after the end of the people's journey into Ansus? So we have: [i]post Adventum[/i] or PA, which means "after the Arrival," and [i]anno Tenebrarum[/i] or AT, which means "year of Darkness." [/quote] So let me sure I have this right. [i]Post Adventum[/i] would have been 50,000 before [i]Anno Tenebrarum[/i] (which is the events of the IC I'm presuming). [I]Post Adventum[/i] was when Ansur left the old continent to form Ansus. So Daen's time of Legend was 30,000 before present. Which would be 30,000 [i]Anno Tenebrarum[/i] and also 20,000 [i]Post Adventum[/i]. Is that correct?