[img]http://www.yourcoffeebreak.co.uk/wp/wp-content/uploads/confident-young-business-woman-2-250x2501.jpg[/img] Lidded, tall hazelnut latte in hand, Anita paced the green room, each one of her steps quickly proceeding the other as she passed the door multiple times a minute. Anita had worked her butt off to get this gig and was nervous for what was to come. This was the band's first proper gig, cafes, pubs and YouTube were one thing but a live gig like this was a whole other ball game entirely and Anita was going to do as much as she could to make sure this performance went as smoothly as possible. Eventually she gave up her pacing and swiftly made her way to the closest couch, sitting on its edge, continuing to take small sips of her latte. She gives a sigh looking around at the band. Levi sipping a beer, Mikayla cuddled up to her laptop and such. The band deserved this, they had spent so much time working on their pieces and preparing for today, plus they had survived though Anita's stressful raging the last couple of weeks. Silently she slipped out of green room door, making way toward the stage area. She stood at doorway for a while, watching the roadies set up. She wasn't too knowledgable on wires and electronics and such so decided not to interfere for the moment. Through the thick curtain screams and yells shoot through filling the stage. Cheers for the band seep through. Tonight, it seemed, would go swimmingly.