[center][color=9e0b0f][h1]Everett Wilcox[/h1][/color] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fear-comes-in-waves-triangle/images/a/a1/LH.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/294?cb=20140101184018[/img] [i][u]Location[/u]: Wilcox Home, Grave yard, [u]Interacting With[/u]: N/A[/i][/center] [hr] [hr] Sunday Everett looked himself over in the mirror. Today was one of the few days he was concerned with what he looked like. He was surprised that he didn't look as worn as down as he felt. He had been working like a mad for the past few days to make he got could take the next couple of days to himself. It was important to him that he could. He combed his hair and put his nicest dress shirt and tie. His freshly cleaned and polished cowboy boots and his best pants. His boots were made of shark skin. He always thought they were a little fancy for his taste but his mother would have loved then. He bought them for that very reason. As he walked out of the bathroom, dressed to the nines. He put on his black armoured motorcycle jacket and his cleanest helmet. [color=9e0b0f]"Aunt Lou, I'm going out. I'll be back after while."[/color] He never waited for a reply. He just waked out and start his motorcycle and drove away. Leaving was the hard part, the rest of it was a cake walk. He rode for seemed like hours. Even though it was far from it. When he arrived at his destination he was shaking a litte. Those little butterflies in stomach had somehow turned into gaint pterodactyls. It was fucked up that this was but still he shoved his fears aside and kept on going. He rode right up to where needed to be. Leaving his bike on the sidewalk Everett unzipped his jacket as if to show off how nicely dressed he was. He used his helmet as a place to sit and took a deep breath. Knowing that if he left right now, they'd understand. There was a lot of sorrow and fear in his voice when those first trembling words came. [color=9e0b0f]"Hey Momma, Daddy how y'all doing? I'm... I'm hanging there. The lodge is doing great so that bag Aunt Lou.. You uh, you... You... Y'all would love to see what we've done with the place. We got Elk and ma... Ma moose now." [/color]That's was all Everett could say before falling apart and breaking down in tears. He loved them ever bit as much as he missed. Even with that said he wanted nothing to do with memorial service that was gonna happen on Monday he could go the rest of his life without hearing about that shit again. It took a long time for him to recompose himself. He was happy that no one was around to see him break down. He never did that in public, not once. What happened behind closed doors was another thing entirely. When he calmed down enough he spoke again.[color=9e0b0f] "I'm sorry, I lost it there for a good while didn't I?"[/color] It was then he noticed that sun was going down. He looked at saw a weird eclipse. He didn't hear anything about that going on today but it's not like he cared about it. [color=9e0b0f]"Tell me everything is gonna be alright. Please just tell me everything is gonna work out. Cause I'm still struggling with all this horse shit. " [/color]Everett said as he saw a flock of birds fly across the sky. He couldn't tell you why he did it but he did it just the same. Everett lifted his and made it into a gun and followed the birds. He softly said a single word.... Bang. As he raised his hand to mock recoil, it happened. Something bright and almost blinding shot out from his finger and obliterated the flock. His eyes wide with horror. It took a few seconds to figure out what happened. He slowly turned around to look at the Graves of his parents. [color=9e0b0f]"I love y'all."[/color] Everett in a state of shock had no idea what to make of it. He did one thing this was cool as hell. He took a few steps and repeated his actions again. This time towards the ground. What happened next scared him to death. The two foot hole in the left in the ground almost made him shit himself. It's hard to say if it was booming noise or the dirt falling on that sent him into major panic but he grabbed his helmet and rode off on his bike ad fast as he could. He didn't even wave or say good bye. [b] MONDAY MORNING 4:30AM [/b] Everett woke up feeling like something was wrong. He couldn't place it but he felt... Off. Like something was missing. He was used to waking up early so he could get some work done in the on the land before school. But this... This was something else. Either way he couldn't go back to sleep. Scholarship was on a few hours and he knew most everything was taken care of on the land but he had to do something. It took a few minutes to get dressed but when he did, he got Dagnasty and took off for the cellar. He left so much better when he stepped into the moon light. It's was like whatever was wrong instantly went away. That feeling came back as soon he was out of it. The cellar was pretty much a hunters armory. Everett had grown up around guns and spent all of his life around them. He was one that maintained the hunting rifles and shotguns they kept. Aunt Lou could as but she wasn't as good as Everett. Everett had his own personal gun, we'll weapon was more like it. His was a [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=458+socom&client=ms-android-att-us&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjKwoPCjo7KAhXDYiYKHe_xCCkQ_AUIBygB#imgrc=Mux0xssdtoU6sM%3A].458 SOCOM[/url]. It was powerful enough to stop anything under 250 yards and as an added bonus, it looked incredible bad ass. Everett never went into the woods without it. It was the last gift his parents gave him before their death. Even after all his weapon had been through. It was still as good as the day he got it. He and Dags would spend the next three hours out in the woods, checking the feeders and traps. Double checking his work. Three hours on foot wouldn't get him very far but he just felt too damn good not to do it. When he got back to the house every light was on. With any luck Aunt Lou would already have food ready. True to form she did. When he walked into the kitchen, his gun still slung over his shoulder. She said the first words he had heard from her in a day and half. [b]"Boy I ought to be your ass. Taken off like that. Lord help me Jesus."[/b] Aunt Lou said as she took a plate of food out of the oven and sat it in a counter. Everett unloaded his rifle and sat it down in a corner by the door. The clip was put on the kitchen table. [color=9e0b0f]"You're welcome to try. Might not end for either one of us."[/color] [b]"Go on and say shit like your grown. Where have you been?"[/b] She snapped at him. [color=9e0b0f]"Just checking some of feeds and traps. Everything looks great out there."[/color] Everett said as he started to eat. [color=9e0b0f]"Dags come here buddy."[/color] Everett said as he toss some ham on ground for him to eat. [b]"I said I'd do that Everett and don't go toss food in the ground. Damn dog has bowl."[/b] [color=9e0b0f]"I'll do it Aunt Lou. I need to you to get things ready for the memorial party and we still got get ready for those kids coming in. Worry about that I'll take care things out there."[/color] Everett said in between bites. When he was done he put the plate in the sink and gave his Aunt a kiss on the check. [color=9e0b0f]"Gotta run to to school. Love you Aunt Lou." [/color] [b]"Yeah, yeah. Love you too boy."[/b] Lou said brushing him off. Off in the corner he cold hear Dags growling. Everett couldn't help but laugh. Everett patted his chest and couple times and Dags jumped up and put his paws on Everett shoulders. It was always alarming for people to see just how big Everett's beloved wolf dog Dagnasty was. [color=9e0b0f]"I love you too buddy." [/color]Everett was hardly able to get out before Dags started licking his face. Everett laughed a little and pushed his companion off him. Once again out into the light of day. Everett got that great feeling. He hadn't even notice that it went away inside the house. He just felt... Normal. The drive to school seemed longer than usual. He felt great but he really didn't want to be there. He could think of ten thousand better things to do but he knew his parents would roll over in their Graves if he quite school. He sat in his truck out in the parking lot for a few moments before heading to his first class of the year.