Incidentally, it seems to me that a number of us are clustered about the same period in history, approximately. I think we would do well to entwine our stories, perhaps even editing some details in our backstories here and there to match each other. This would do much to create a more cohesive world around our characters. [@ravenDivinity] Cynderia could have been one of the "mighty nations" that stood against the forces of evil in the Horror Wars, eventually coming to become part of the united Ansus. I'm tentatively calling the contemporary form of this nation, "the United Kingdoms of Ansus." Let me know what you think of this. [@Corvidae] Following the Horror Wars, there may have been a wave of piracy and lawlessness that emerged from a mass exodus of refugees. People took to the seas for foreign lands, thinking them to be safer than Ansus. Crow would have been born in a time after the Unification, and one of the first kings of the united Ansus may have been fighting to restore law to the seas surrounding his land. [@DeltaV] I leave it up to you if you would like to, but I think with some alterations, your character could fit very neatly into this crazy scheme I'm running. Bump back Jacaerys' birth some 500 years, and he could have fought against the undead scourge in the Horror Wars. Let me know how you feel about this. [@Charzy] This is somewhat of a more personal attempt at collaboration, but I think in his travels, Volkimir may have met and perhaps studied warfare under Zhan. He could have taken his strategies and utilized them centuries later in the Horror Wars. I leave it at your discretion to how Zhan may have seen the vampire as a person and as a student. [@Dawnscroll] Coquelicot could have been yet another of the nations that came to unite against the Shadowlands. I can imagine members of Clarent's Order fighting against the tides of undead, under the distant command of the Shadow King.