[center][h1]Adria Solium[/h1][/center] The man's hard stare softened back into a smile. My, he had Adria going there for a bit. It seemed there wasn't much to worry about after all. Adria smiled along with him, being that he had apologized. "It's fine, I suppose you could say it is odd, but I can take care of myself" Behind her, the Rangers approached Adria and the man cautiously. Oddly enough, it was almost like they were more afraid of her then she was of them. Though they would be put at ease with a quick nod from the old man. That made Adria feel a bit better about things, so that was good. It was then that the man made her an offer [color=gray]"For a few silver coins, would you be interested in accompanying us to the village? My mother used to tell me that in certain circumstances, a good bard can make all the difference, and my father often agreed when he was sober enough to manage. If Okly is okay, then we'll part ways, but if not, perhaps I could extend your contract."[/color] The offer intrigued her, plus, she was running low on money. Besides, having companions never hurt anyone. If they found something bad there was no doubt these rangers would be able to take care of it. And if nothing was wrong, perhaps she could stick around the village and perform a bit to make a few more coins. That also never hurt anyone. "Your parents were smart people, us bards are always good for lifting spirits and what not. So sure, why not? I'd be delighted" Adria noticed that the rain was starting to let up. Perhaps soon it would stop entirely, and she could take this confounded hood off. Her ears were starting to get sore. If it stopped raining it would make the trip much easier too.