[img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/499b9f31848560e98dbaa09b602c2511/http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm236/faldor101/esterr.jpg[/img] Name: Nikolas Animus Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Wolf Faunus Appearance: Nik stands at 5 ft 2 and weighs a surprising 195 lbs. Nik wears an all black half army jacket over a black and grey stripped shirt. The sleeves of the jacket come down to 3in above his elbow, the jacket also is cut off at the middle showing his shirt underneath. The stripped shirt is long sleeved. Nik also wears tan cargo pants that come down to just below his knees, on his hands he wears ash grey fingerless gloves, and on his feet he wears ash grey colored combat boots. Weapon Name: Ash Moon Weapon Appearance/Function: Type: Melee, Defensive, Dust compatible Weapon Derivation: Battle axe, Holstered/Sheathed Appearance: It's held over his shoulder. Or on his back. Form 1: Battle axe, a 3ft tall battle axe, each blade is 10in long and 5in thick. There is a n insert in the handle that allows Nik to use dust to enhance the axe's blades. The blades will, depending on the dust used, become wreathed in part of the dust elements used. Like if he used fire dust the blades would have fire over them. Form 2: N/A Form 3: N/A Personality:Loyal,obedient,nice, and just a little bit crazy. These are just a few of the words people use to describe Nik. Being a nice guy is hard to do when most people hate you for what you are but Nik manages it nicely, Nik is one of those people who would do anything for his friends, within reason of course. But he will also do anything he can to kill Grimm. Although he may act like a puppy, he carries a dark secret with him, nobody that he has ever talked to knows that he was part of the White Fang, and he wants to keep it that way. So he puts up the front of him being a lovable puppy when in all reality he is a dangerous lone wolf. When by himself Nik becomes brooding and calculating, when not fighting, he goes from happy go lucky to dark and dangerous. History: At the age of 7 Nik's family was killed by Grimm, which forced him to live on his own for 3 years. Found by members of The White Fang,(this was before thy went all terror-isty), Nik was raised as in the group as a member would wanted to do good for the Faunus community, that was until they went evil and started attacking people, thats when Nik got out. But it wasn't easy he quite literally had to fight his way out using his family's axe he fought and ran from the White Fang, he was chased to a river where on one side the where the White Fang who where chasing him and on the other a small pack of Grimm caught between a rock and a hard place Nik jumped into the river getting dragged down it's course he was nearly drowned, he vowed never again to go near water. At the age of 13 Nik found himself once again alone in the world, but this time he knew one thing more than he did last time, this time he knew how to fight, and it saved him more than once. He had to fight with Grimm for a while, when he tried to live in the woods, but moving to the city wasn't any better, thugs, racist, and White Fang members made it hard for him to make an honest life style having to move nearly every week. Nik had decided it was time to get back at the Grimm for killing his family, and at the White Fang for betraying his trust, so he decided to become a hunter and to do that he needed to join the closest school that trained Hunters, and that was Beacon. Though it took him a while he was eventually was able to join. The only thing he has left from his family is the battle axe he carries around, although he has made a few adjustments giving it dust capability. Emblem:[img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiQAFtICwQmG3waL0tGPRJrYwzocBhjKebHs0ri1fjeTuOxkF70g[/img] Other: Color: Ash Gray Combat style: Nik's combat style is based off of a mixture of a Samurai's and a Viking's fighting style. He use a cross between precision strikes and wild swings, combining grace and ferocity. Combing the two styles of fighting was difficult but he managed he even named it The Ash Wolf style. Using the axe in a fluid of motions, when fighting the axe looks as if it where alive in Nik's hands. Many who witness it are amazed that he can maneuver his axe in such ways giving him a needed edge in combat, because if he misses he is left open to attack, his is amazing to behold true but in practice it takes a while and and great strength to work. When separated from his team Nik becomes even more dangerous, not having to fear his team accidentally getting in his way, letting him become a berserker of doom,but as said before his reckless strikes leave him open to attack. Strengths: Nik is great at following orders and taking hits. He works best when with his team but is a capable one on one fighter. Being nearly fearless make him great at what he does and that is fighting, but it can make him a bit headstrong. Going in recklessly is something Nik does very well,and it suits his fighting style almost perfectly, but his being reckless leads him into more trouble than most would like. Weakness: He is really weak when his semblance is active if attacks are focused upon him while it is active the team will lose a really heavy hitter. Fears water, for obvious reasons. And despite what most people think,he actually hates being out in the moonlight. Semblance: Feral Fury: Activated only when his aura is low,(about half to a third), Nik's combat abilities increase ten fold,(and his eyes glow red),making him move faster hit harder, see more, hear more, and smell more. While his Semblance is active though he loses the ability to take a hit making him a glass cannon. When he activates his semblance means Nik and his team are about to either turn a fight in their favor or finish the fight faster, every time Nik has activated his semblance he has never lost a fight.