[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/marvelcomicsfanon/images/5/52/Bruce_Banner_on_the_run.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140103155817[/img][/center] Banner sighed as he picked up the blood sample, looking at the Doctor the nurse had kindly introduced him too. "Is this it? All that exists of my blood?" He chuckled. "At least, all of the stuff here that exists outside of my body." He offered the Doctor a kindly smile as he eyed up the vial of blood. The power in this one vial... it was more than anyone could ever imagine. If someone ever found a way to replicate it the power could destroy the Earth. It pained him to know that that wasn't an over-exaggeration, it was quite likely that such could be the fate of the world. He sighed again, this time a sad sigh. "Yes, it's quite fascinating. Preliminary tests indicate your blood has high levels of-" Banner raised his hand to stop the Doctor. Then lowered it again after a moments thought. "What computer are these results on?" The Doctor looked taken aback. "Oh, they aren't on any." He tapped a file. "I haven't had time to transfer them over yet." He handed over the file to Bruce. "I'm sure you'll find it fascinating, from what I can tell you should be dead! Instead somehow here you are. Healthy as a horse." Bruce smiled. "Yes well, I need to take this data with me." The smile dropped from his face as he finished speaking, this was no longer a joke. It was deadly serious, he couldn't leave any data here. It was bad enough that he wouldn't get a chance to wipe the cameras of his image but he couldn't give S.H.I.E.L.D or Ross anything to go on. S.H.I.E.L.D had honourable intentions he'd give them that, but he didn't doubt that they'd try to turn this power to try and save this world. Ross, well. Ross wanted what every general wanted. To destroy his enemies. The greed in that mans eyes, Bruce had watched recordings of Hulks rampage at Vista Verde. On Ross' face was not a look of horror like everyone elses, but a look of longing and excitement. He had seen the power of the Hulk that day and now he wanted it for himself. Part of Bruce wished he could give it to him, get rid of this curse. The shadow that he couldn't evade even in the shade. It was itching at his skin clawing to get to the surface ever since the promise had been broken. Hulk wanted back out, and it took everything in Bruces power not to let him come to the foreground. That is why, when the Doctor stood to block his way Bruce sighed again. "Please Doctor, you don't want to make me angry." "I can't just let you leave with my work, this could be revolutionary!" Bruce just ignored him. "You won't like me when I'm angry. Please move." The Doctor did move, but instead walked over and picked up a phone. "Yes, this is Doctor Crawford. I have a patient being uncooperative in my lab. Please send security right away, and contact the authorities. He has threatened to become violent." Bruce looked at him, genuine pleading in his eyes. "Please Doctor, just let me go. This is a hospital, with the ill and the injured. I don't want anything to happen." It was the Doctors turn to chuckle, and Bruce didn't really like the sound of it. "My dear Doctor Banner-" The surprise must have been evident on Bruces face as the Doctors face shone for a second. "-Yes, I know who you are. You're pretty infamous, especially within those of us who have worked extensively in the field of radiation. You are going to be the cure to every ailement known to man. Whether you like it or not." Bruce just sighed. Did none of them understand the danger with what they played? It was like giving a three year old access to a nuclear arsenal. Yet every step he took, every turn. Someone thought they knew the Hulk better, thought they understood it better. Felt they could control it and bend it to their will. Bruce knew that as much as Hulk was strong, as much as he was dangerous he was equally uncontrolable. Nobody told Hulk what to do except Hulk. He knew, he'd tried after all. Why wouldn't he have had? Bruce didn't want to be remembered as the Hulk, as a monster. He had tried to turn the Hulk into a force of nature for good. Into a hero. Of course he couldn't quite remember what happened but it [i]hadn't[/i] worked. Hulk needed to be eliminated, not controlled or studied. Though at the same time, Hulk was his only way out of this situation. It was the ultimate dilemna. He could be captured and risk someone learning how to recreate the Hulk and risk the world, or he could let the Hulk out and risk everyone in this hospital. He silently cursed the experiment that brought him here, to a choice he couldn't make. Had he been a military man the choice would have obviously been that the World was the better choice but to him? All life was precious. Who was he to chose between one group of people and another. It all came down to one thing, who was he? Doctor Bruce Banner? The Hulk? Or maybe, something else?