[B][H3] Arvis - 'The Gilded Horn' Inn Barcean Capitol [/H3][/b] The round trip through the western provinces of Barcea proved to be in vain as Arvis settled down for the evening in one of his favourite Inn's. The bar at The Gilded Inn was always homely and dimly lit to add to the ambience, the candlelit room was his favourite place to be after returning from a road trip, it helped settle his mind, as did the Whiskey he held loosely in his hand. There was a show on the stage at the back of the room, a calming songstress was performing a crowd favourite, he liked this song and gently closed his eyes and smiled. He was disappointed to have missed his opportunity to catch the Sentinels and gain their approval to take him on the trials, but glad to be back home and relaxing. He took and deep breathe and sighed, letting a smile creep across his face as he realised he could just relax for the time being, he would have to wait for the opportunity to arise, even if it meant waiting for the annual recruitment drive, he would join the Sentinels he told himself, it will just take time. He drew back a deep swig of the Bourbon still sat in his tumbler, when he finally opened his eyes he found himself feeling happier, and for good reason. ----------- [B][H3] Lyrena 'The Gilded Horn' Inn Barcean Capitol [/H3][/b] The song echoing through the bar was familiar, however she couldn't name it. Lyrenna had chosen a seat in the audience at a lone stool, she had a drink sat upon the table before her as she tried to unwind from the weeks of strain, she had tried to sleep for a while upstairs but it eluded her, now here she was. She finished the last of her drink and wasted no time in heasing to the bar to order another. The barman flashed a smile and took her order, placing it on her tab. As she turned to find her seat she noticed someone sat in an armchair by the wall, she couldn't make out who it was but could tell he was looking straight at her, he sat forward and the surprise on his face became apparent in the candlelight. The features were familiar, very familiar, the hair was familiar too. It took a few moments for her to realise that she was staring at Arvis.... he too made the connection and rose from his chair. Lyrena nearly dropped her drink as she looked upon the face of thr man she had been searching for, the man she loved. She swiftly made her way through bustling crowd of punters, sat and stood around the few tables standing between the two. As she approached the table at which Arvis stood she gazed upon his face as she placed her drink down. Her eyes welling and widening, her lips broke put into an almost painful smile, it was the most real of any smile in the past few weeks. Arvis grinned, his face alight with obvious joy, he opened his mouth to speak but couldnt find the words. [B]" ... Lyrena ... I ..."[/b] Lyrena threw her arms around him before he had the chance to complete his sentence, he began sobbing uncontrollably as she clutched at him and pulled him closer. He held her tightly and pulled her head into his shoulder, resting his hand tenderly on her head. [B]"I've looked everywhere... I've been searching for you. I wasn't the same after you left..."[/b] she told him. [B]"I know, I was the same way. I never knew until it was to late just how much I longed for you."[/b] He looked her in the eyes as he admitted his feelings for her. He pulled her close once more before the embrace finally ended. The two sat at the table and sippes their drinks as they spoke of their adventures after the Merchant caravan. As the drinks came to an end, the two decided to turn in for the night. Arvis escorted Lyrena to her room before heading off to his own. He had found her, she was back in his life again. He smiled truly as he set his head down for bed and found sleep with ease.