Master Plo entered the bridge to be greeted by Master Tiin and commander Wolffe, Good day gentlemen, are we ready to begin, they both nodded, [b]“Our target is the cloud city of Bespin, our operation will take place in three stages, space, air, ground”[/b] He started up the holo-map of Bespin, We have one CIS dreadnought in orbit, this will rip our cruiser to shreds if not take out, Master Tiin, this will be your priority as you have the majority of the fighters, Once we have taken out the dreadnaught the remaining fighters will join up with my squadron and help support the NTB-630s on their bombing runs, I have no doubt that there will be heavy air resistance on this world. So we will have to be effective, the admiral has informed me that we have 30 minutes before we arrive, Commander please brief the ground troops of their mission, Master Tiin, I have assembled the squadrons in the briefing room, You and I will brief them. [b]“Master Plo, I have an idea about the Dreadnought, I feel that the weapons system on that ship will overpower our small fleet, but if two Jedi and a squad of your clones were to infiltrate the ship and shut it down from the inside, it would stop the death of many men,”[/b] Plo, pondered for a moment; [b]“you raise a good point,”[/b] he looked at the ship schematics for a moment, [b]“If we took a squad of clones with thruster packs we could fly over to the ship, enter it through a cut hole in the ship we would be undetected and would be able to shut it down without risking the life of the squadrons, there preserving the fighters to support the bombing run.”[/b] Commander Wolffe, Yourself and 5 of your men will accompany us on this mission, and meet us down in the hangar bay, We’ll depart in a gunship on autopilot and jump from the ship onto the dreadnought. Plo waited for the clones in the hangar, he proceeded to brief them on the situation once every had arrived. The squad checked each other’s equipment as the familiar whirring of deceleration hummed in the background. The squad entered the gunship and just as predicted the Dreadnought cruiser open fired on the gunship. The Squad jumped just as the round hit the gunship causing them to ride the blast back to the dreadnought With a few course-corrections the squad made it into the hangar, hoping that they had not yet been detected they made their way towards the communications center of the ship