But he has to be scary looking, had else is he going to scare of attackers? I get another [url=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hEX0PNmXxqw/T2Q3zcBETiI/AAAAAAAAAZU/XVo3pROIaBQ/s1600/Paarthurnax.jpg]Dragon[/url] If you like him better. Hehe that was the first thing that popped in my head when I started looking for dragons xD Yeah, I really like how we have the pictures in the posts of our other one xD I was actually thinking about asking you about making it where they might have met in human form. So I really like that idea. Seeing how he would have to see the other women as well to make his pick, you would think he would want to see the other choices first. I could see him going to the temple to see how the priestess's kept it. That could be how Ella met him on these terms. :D