[@ravenDivinity][@Dead Cruiser] I'm game for almost any scenario. But a little idea of Clarent's region. When I spoke with Transience, we kinda decided Ynys Mons was juuuuust off the map of Ansus. On the continent, but not represented. Ynys Mons is known as the land of a hundred kings. A land that has been torn by non-stop bloodshed for several hundred years, fraught with civil wars, and invasions, and conquests, and rebellions. A land where the war is never quite finished, where those showing magical promise are conscripted to join the ranks of the bladecasters. A land where so many have claimed and vied and schemed for the throne, any true bloodline to the original claimant has long been since extinguished. A land where might makes right, where hunger and greed thrive, and where he with the largest may declare himself King, if for but a day. This is the land that Clarent hails from. Both the Black King Solom and the Red Queen Lucille invested heavily in their respective reigns in the military of their kingdoms, but it was under the Red Queens rule (and Clarent's guidance) that Ynys Mons and the Tuath achieved a sort of unified 'peace' for a few centuries. Think Italian City states warring with each other until the Papal States came and gobbled them up. Totalitarian rule, but at least no one is fighting an endless war. The Order basically served as royal guards for the bloodline, slowly becoming smaller and less important and other orders came about, until they 'retreated' to where their founder fell. But no doubt they served on many fronts, in many purposes, for many kings. This proved beneficial in many ways. Eventually, Clarent's bloodline grew too thin, and war was upon Ynys Mons again. So, because the Kingdom of Ynys Mons was constantly at war with itself, every side or faction always tried to "one up" each other, either with better bladecasters, bigger armies, or more destructive war magics. M.A.D. in the ultimate sense, except they withheld no restraint. They made what the Red Queen did to the Tear seem like child's player in the end. And in a single night, they brought doom upon the kingdom. I plan on Clarent visit the Kingdom during his travels, to find nothing but barren desolation and ruins. A waste, void of life, or light. A tombstone that stretches miles across emptiness, with an epiteh that no one has cared to read. Clarent's Order, having left Ynys Mons proper to move their location where he fell (a considerable distance away), was spared the cataclysm. Since there's about two millenia between then and now, its not too unfeasible. :P