Nora slipped the goggles on over her head when the Doctor handed them to her, and was instantly rewarded with clearer vision. She sighed in satisfaction then started after the Doctor. Walking though the most snow she had ever seen before in her life was difficult. She nearly fell twice, and it didn't help that she almost spinning on the spot to get a good look at everything in the city as they walked through it. She had to move around group of children running in her path, but she didn't appear annoyed. In fact Nora was completely elated. She looked back at the Doctor in time to see her going into one of the shops and made an abrupt turn in order to follow her. Once inside she pulled the goggles away from her head and let them hold her hair away from her face, like a headband. Nora brushed some snow from her coat and pants and if she could see her reflection she would see her cheeks and nose were red from the chill. But the cold didn't bother her. She barely even noticed it. Nora was a bit busy looking around the shop, noticing that it looked very similar to what she was used to. Baby steps were probably better than jumping headfirst into the completely alien. The woman in the shop spoke to them and the Doctor ordered them both their drinks and herself some toast. She asked if she wanted anything to eat and Nora looked at the boards with what she assumed would be the menu on it. She saw some undecipherable squiggles and gave up any hope she could make sense of the alien language. "Just the cocoa for me, thanks." Nora smiled and when her eyes went back to the menus she saw the words seem to shift around, the letters reform themselves, until they were in perfect English. She blinked in surprise and looked over at the Doctor. "Okay, how did the letters do that? The menu. It was all...alien and now it's English?" she asked quietly. Another thought came to her. "And the woman was speaking English, too."