[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Immanuelle%20Dutoit&name=Redressed.ttf&size=65&style_color=D9765E[/img] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/1zbc6ye.jpg[/IMG] [i][color=FFA07A]"I've always had an inexplicable attraction to the unknown and the mysteric"[/color][/i] [u]Location[/u]: Lincoln Memorial High [u]Interacting With[/u]: [@McHaggis]Jay, [@Undine]Alice through text [/center] After dropping off her brother at middle school, the path to Lincoln Memorial was still relatively peaceful. It had been several minutes of twiddling with a dreamcatcher she was working on when she received a peculiar text from her favorite male friend. A particular someone she was romantically fond of, though she wasn't exactly sure if these feelings were reciprocated. Nonetheless, she found herself flutter off the ground for several seconds, before her feet returned softly back onto the concrete. She was so attuned to her phone, that she didn't even realize that she levitated several inches off the ground. With a swift click, she peeped open the message and then let out a deep chuckle. Moon was gently shaking her head from side to side as she responded... [quote]To: Jay [color=FFA07A]Oh hunny. Just because you have pink hair does not mean you get special treatment to enter the girl's lavatory. lol Stay put love, I'll be there in a few minutes. Almost at school now. P.S. How do you "accidentally" enter the girl's lavatory? [/color] --Love & Spice, Moon[/quote] She then flipped over to a new screen and Alice's name popped up. This was too cute, she couldn't resist telling her. [quote]To: Alice [color=FFA07A]Boys. I'm guessing you got his text too right? Jay "accidentally" waddled into the girl's lavatory. Should I save him or leave him to suffer a deathly humiliation? Decisions decisions...lol Oh, btw, are you coming to the Astronomy meeting today? I think something weird is going on. That odd solar eclipse we talked about last night, I think it might have something to do with this strange feeling I've been having today. Do you feel as off as I do?[/color] --Love & Spice, Moon[/quote] And with that, she placed her phone back into her messenger bag and looked around. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary or particularly interesting. If she had thought about it, she probably would have taken the route to school through the town graveyard. She felt an allure to the place, and found that traversing through it, empowered her with the spirits of the deceased. A bit far-fetched most would agree, but it was the spiritual connection she felt that drew her to such a place, and quite often. Even-though she knew none of the people on the names of the headstones. Having finally arrived at the front doors of the school, she placed the dream-catcher back into her messenger bag and began searching the last stall of each girl's bathroom that she passed by. The bright lights, were a bit disorienting, cause after all, it was still morning. Unlike Cinderella(Alice), Moon wasn't as much of a sun-riser. In fact, as she her name might of suggested, she was more a night owl. The sound of a midnight rain and howling wolves was more than enough to satisfy her nightly ritual. A peculiar set of unique shoes glimmered under the last bathroom stall. She had finally found the man she was looking for. Moon pulled her hair back and knocked softly on the stall door, [b][color=FFA07A]"Emily, it's Moon. I got your text about your sore throat. Let's go ahead and get you to the nurse's office okay?"[/color][/b] Jay was the brainy type. At least clever enough. Surely he'd get that Moon was pretending he was a girl so he wouldn't have to speak and blow his cover. She just hoped no would come in as he came out.