[@jasonwolf]: Ah, I see! [@LancerOfBlue]: Death probably handled with decay, putting timers on people's lives, dictating the amount of time ordinary people had to live, and taking ordinary people to the afterlife. The legends are the business of the gods themselves as far as the afterlife goes, so Death probably wouldn't know anything about them or taking them to the world after death. Plus, y'know, even if she did have that knowledge, it wouldn't be useful to us in the roleplay because all gods, all spirits, all deities, etc. (basically any sentient entity that bestowed anything upon the legends) are dead by the time the events of the IC begin. Death wouldn't even be around to tell anyone anything. [@DeltaV]: Like [@Dextkiller] pointed out, I would advise against putting more than one post down at this point in time. I haven't even responded to anything yet IC. I'm still waiting for other people to post their starters. [@Dawnscroll]: Holy [i]shit[/i], your post takes up like half the page whenever I load the first page of the IC, and there aren't even 20 posts in there yet. My head is spinning.