[h2][color=d86c00]Nina Jelen[/color][/h2] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/60qZ3b7tCiM7u/giphy.gif[/img] Location: Jelen Family Kitchen Interacting/Collabing with: Petyr Jelen [@Saltwater Thief] Text sent to Everett [@AcerRo] [hr][hr] Nina smiled as she saw her brother come into the kitchen and turned away from their crappy gas stove. [color=d86c00]”Good to see you awake. Oatmeal is almost ready. Oh… yeah. I guess I should mention that dad’s out of town till Wednesday. Apparently a big job up North came up. He left a note on the fridge. However, not that unusual, huh bratr?”[/color] Nina slipped the czech word for brother in as she turned back to the stove, rubbing her temples a bit. She hadn’t noticed it before but she had a headache. A bad one. Maybe from that eclipse that had happened last night. However, it was starting to get more noticeable as she warmed up the oatmeal. In an effort to change the subject, she looked back at her brother. [color=d86c00]”So, how did you sleep?”[/color] [color=0076a3]”Jako hovno,”[/color] her twin replied as he sat down at the table. [i]Like shit.[/i] [color=0076a3]”I think the heater’s going bad, I was freezing last night. Almost literally, I’m pretty sure. Perfect timing, right as the Washington winter is on its way.”[/color] Nina raised her eyebrow. [color=d86c00]”Uh, I hate to break it to you but the heater is working fine.”[/color] She walked over and set her hand on Petyr’s forehead and recoiled almost immediately. [color=d86c00]”You feel like ice! What the heck? Are you sick?”[/color] While Nina’s back was turned to the stove, the flame under the oatmeal started to get larger and hotter. Soon, the smell of burnt oatmeal filled the kitchen. [color=d86c00]”Ahh no no no!”[/color] She ran over to the stove and clicked off the burner and looked in the pan. All that remained of breakfast was a black charcoal lump. [color=d86c00]”Hovno…”[/color] Petyr was behind her in a moment, staring at the stove over her shoulder. [color=0076a3]”What just happened? I didn’t smell or hear any extra gas, and I know you had that set to low…”[/color] Shaking his head, he made toward the pantry and started looking for something to substitute breakfast. [color=0076a3]”Matka Boží, what a way to start the day.”[/color] [color=d86c00]”I know right? That was so weird… I guess maybe the stove is malfunctioning, like everything else in this house. I’ll tell dad when he gets home. I think we have some cereal in there.”[/color] Nina looked in the pantry and sighed. She then pulled away and pulled out her phone to shoot off a quick text to someone. That someone being Everett. After checking something, she sent a simple enough text. [color=d86c00][i]"Hey E. Got next 2 days off. Let me know if you need me to hang. N."[/i][/color] She then turned back to Petyr. [color=d86c00]”Are you sure you’re still feeling alright bratr? The way your forehead feels has me worried.”[/color] She leaned against the wall next to the pantry and looked at him. [color=0076a3]”Yeah, I feel fine,”[/color] he said as he pulled out a box of generic oat cereal and went for a bowl in the cupboard, [color=0076a3]”No cough, no sneezing, no runny nose or congestion, just really, really cold. Could you get me a glass of water? Thanks.”[/color] [color=d86c00]”Sure, want the milk as well?”[/color] Nina pulled out a bowl for herself, and got the milk out of the fridge and set it on the table before Petyr could answer. She got two glasses of water and set one down in front of him. [color=d86c00]”Here you go.”[/color] [color=0076a3]”That’s great, thanks,”[/color] he said as he reached for a glass to take a drink. As soon as he touched it, however, there was a bristling sound that pulled both of their attentions to the glass, which was now filled with a solid block of ice. [color=0076a3]”What-”[/color] [color=d86c00]”the-”[/color] [color=0076a3]”F[/color][color=d86c00]u[/color][color=0076a3]c[/color][color=d86c00]k?”[/color] [color=d86c00]”Do prdele.”[/color] [i]Holy shit.[/i] [color=d86c00]”What the hell!? Why is it suddenly ice!”[/color] She reached over to see if it was a trick, but no. The glass was full of a solid block of ice. She pulled her hand back and looked at Petyr. She slumped over in a chair and stared at the glass in amazement. [color=0076a3]”Okay, now this is getting ridicu-”[/color] Petyr stopped mid-sentence as he pulled his hand away from the glass… and the cold receded quickly. [color=0076a3]”Wait…”[/color] He put his hand back on the glass. The ice reformed. He took it away. The ice melted, slower this time, but it still melted. [color=0076a3]”What.”[/color] Nina just watched as the ice melted, froze, melted, froze and melted again. [color=d86c00]”Petyr… this is like something out of one of those shows everyone talks about. But, I guess I guess it is just you.”[/color] She looked at her twin, her eyes meeting his. [color=d86c00]”So, what do you want to do about it? Keep it secret?”[/color] [color=0076a3]”Ugh, hold on, let me try and get this under control here…”[/color] For a moment, Petyr closed his eyes and seemed to focus on something only he could perceive. Slowly, the ice in the glass started to recede, even with his hand on it, and his face flushed with more color like he was warming. [color=0076a3]”Okay,”[/color] he said, [color=0076a3]”I THINK I have this taken care of. Seems like my stress might’ve been triggering it, but… wait. Stress.”[/color] He turned and looked her curiously. [color=0076a3]”Nina, do you feel like trying something potentially stupid?”[/color] [color=d86c00]”Depends on what kind of potentially stupid we’re talking about.”[/color] [color=0076a3]”Try turning the stove on again, and see if you can make the flame do anything without adjusting the dial. I want to see about something…”[/color] Nina raised her eyebrow, shrugged and got up and turned on the stove. Once it turned on, she looked at the flame and willed it to get bigger. And for a moment… nothing happened. She turned to look at Petyr, her mouth going to open, and then the flame grew large and bright. She turned her head so fast it almost hurt and her jaw dropped. [color=d86c00]”Do prdele... “[/color] Nina watched the fire with interest, making it grow larger and smaller. She finally clicked the stove off and sat back down at the table. [color=d86c00]”Well... fire and ice… heh like those books you read once huh?”[/color] She let out a half chortle at that. [color=0076a3]”Kind of, yeah,”[/color] Petyr replied as he chuckled along with her. [color=0076a3]”You think… you think we should try and see someone about this?”[/color] She frowned a bit at that. [color=d86c00]”Who? I mean, what do we tell them? Maybe we should wait a few days and see if it sticks. Or see if we’re the only ones. If so, then maybe we should talk to táta (dad) when he gets home.”[/color] [color=0076a3]”You may be right. Just ride out the storm and hope we don’t light anything on fire or turn someone into a popsicle, eh?”[/color] he said half-jokingly as he turned and looked at the clock. [color=0076a3]”Oh hovno, we’re running out of time. Better hurry and finish breakfast!”[/color] [color=d86c00]“I’ll just eat something later. I do have home ec first and knowing Mrs. Smith we’ll be making something tasty.”[/color] Nina got up and grabbed her red leather jacket and pulled it on and snuggled into it happily. [color=d86c00]”Lunch is already in your backpack.”[/color] [color=0076a3]”Alright,”[/color] he said as she headed for the door, [color=0076a3]”Give me a second to scarf this down, I’ll be right out!”[/color] [color=d86c00]”Don’t worry. I won’t leave without you.”[/color] Nina slung her backpack over her shoulder and smiled. Sure, today had started off weird, but at least she had Petyr with her along for the weirdness. And that was all she needed at that moment.