Telio gazed at the spectacle of the serpent as his companions each took their own course of action in dealing with the creature. Some fought, some trusted Spook and remained at the magic circle, but after a couple of seconds, Telio turned away, not wanting to see the gory results of the battle regardless of the victor. It was at that moment that he head a soft voice; it was only the numbness in the artist's limbs that saved the bird from a violent swat. What it said did little to calm him down or improve his opinion of magic. In fact, it was rather unnerving that this mechanical bird claimed to be able to see his dreams. This bizarre creature whom he had never seen before had seen something that he had not even elected to share with his own family. "A beautiful dream?" He said incredulously, his voice now quivering on the edge of hysteria. "That... that [i]thing[/i] is no dream of mine! It's an abhorrent nightmare that only some depraved demon would conceive! If that's what magic brings into this world, then I'll have no part of it!" He glared at the rune carved into the bird. "And you... you're a product of it as well. A servant of the serpent I suppose? Why should I believe a word you say after seeing your magic do [i]that!?[/i]" Telio's tirade was interrupted by Meryn's approach. He shrunk back from her touch, whipping his head to see his assailant and beginning to scramble back against the statues. However, he began to calm down once it registered that it was one of his comrades. "Ah it's you Miss... well, I'm afraid I never got your name." He gave a nervous laugh. "Even so, I'm glad you made it. How are the others? Did they escape from the monster?" Even though Telio had a view of the scene, he didn't want to look. He was sure the sight of corpses strewn about the woods would make him faint; in fact, he grew light-headed just thinking about it.