[center]Beacon Academy - Three Days Ago[/center] [color=green]"Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."[/color] The pale, silver haired professor stared out the window in his office, bringing his cup of lightly creamed coffee to his lips as he gazed at the glowing mood. His old friend and right hand woman was quite upset with him this night... within reason. Even the docile tone of her voice did nothing to hide the frustration in her words. Perhaps it was the forceful tap of a heeled foot that echoed through the room, it made her next statement seem all the more serious. [color=violet]"Ozpin, can we really expect them to be able to handle something like this? It's nearly the start of the new year and I would say this is reckless. Even for you."[/color] [color=green]"Then I suppose you'll just have to trust me, Glynda. They can handle it. It's the job they signed up for afterall."[/color] he replied to her, turning to the blonde woman as she tapped her glasses closer to her eyes. He did the same, though his narrow nose resulted in the small things slipping back down. [color=violet]"They signed up to fight monsters, not clean up after a radical group of psychopaths that-"[/color] [color=green]"It is..."[/color] he interrupted her, raising a finger. [color=green]"...the job of a huntsmen to fight monsters. Correct. But I think we both know that these days, monsters come in many different forms. Ones we may... least expect."[/color] A silence came over the two adults then as their faces fell, and a moment later, Glynda sighed. [color=violet]"What has the world come to? If we cannot even trust our own friends, who can we trust? If it has come to this... how can we continue to cover the eyes of the people with this illusion of peace? We are not even sure ourselves who we can trust."[/color] she asked him, looking clearly distressed as she crossed her arms. [color=green]"It is not an illusion. We are still in a time of peace."[/color] Ozpin said, stepping over to her and placing a hand on her shoulder. [color=green]"It's only become a bit harder to see. As well as more difficult to maintain."[/color] The blonde shook her head. [color=violet]"I trusted him, Ozpin. We both did... And now-"[/color] The ding of the elevator brought their eyes towards it and caused the woman to pause in her statement. [color=green]"Why don't we now place our trust in someone else? A more... honest soul, perhaps?"[/color] he said into her ear, moving over to his desk afterwards. As he sat down, he heard Glynda mumble something that tugged the corners of his lips into a smile. [color=violet]"I can think of at least a dozen other candidates that would be far easier to work with."[/color] The doors of the elevator opened and Glynda was quick to scold the one they'd been waiting for. [color=violet]"You're late, as usual. Some things never change I suppose?"[/color] the blonde said, an eyebrow raising. The green haired girl rolled her eyes as she stepped out of the elevator and walked over to the two teachers, hands on her hips and with her chin held high. [color=#4F7942]"I suppose you're right about that. Nice to see you too ma'am. Professor Ozpin."[/color] the girl said sarcastically as she stopped in front of the headmaster's desk. The light of the moon illuminated the dim room and cast enough light to reveal the face of the girl to the other two in the room. [color=#4F7942]"Though, I hope you didn't call me out here at this hour to talk about my flaws. It'll be a short discussion since I hardly have any. The walk all the way up here would have been such a waste of time."[/color] she added. With a flick of her wrist, the girl pushed some of her long green hair over her shoulder before returning her hand to her hip and cracking a playful grin. [color=green]"I assure you, that's not why we asked you to come here, Fern."[/color] Ozpin said, finally deciding to say something before Glynda could. [color=green]"Are you excited for the new school year in a few days?"[/color] [color=#4F7942]"Heh, you bet. I haven't seen my team in a while and I can't wait to see how they're doing."[/color] Fern said. [color=#4F7942]"I bet they all slacked off, gained weight, did nothing but laze around since I've been gone."[/color] [color=green]"Is that so?"[/color] Ozpin asked, raising a brow and giving a look to Glynda. [color=violet]"You haven't seen them all break?"[/color] [color=#4F7942]"Oh, no. Not the entire break. About a week ago I went back to my hometown for a visit. Before that... well, let's just say I think they were happy to get a break from me."[/color] she said, laughing lightly and rubbing the back of her head. [color=green]"Hmm..."[/color] Fern waved a hand nervously and started speaking again. [color=#4F7942]"Oh, but don't worry. I'm sure they're all ready to start the new year."[/color] [color=violet]"You made it seem like you were away a long time. I wouldn't say one week can be called 'a while'."[/color] Fern looked thoughtful for a moment, nodding. [color=#4F7942]"I guess that's true... But it seemed like forever. My team's my family and even after a few hours I start to miss them. Though, I'd never said that. No one likes a clingy leader."[/color] Ozpin and Glynda exchanged looks again. [color=#4F7942]"Well, are you going to tell me why I'm here, cause I'm thinking this small talk is getting us nowhere."[/color] [color=green]"Hmm... I'll get right to the point then. I have an assignment for you and your team, if you're up for it."[/color] Fern blinked and crossed her arms defiantly. [color=#4F7942]"Well, I still have three days left of break so I'm going to have to decline your offer until-"[/color] The loud sound of Glynda's Crop smacking against Ozpin's desk caused Fern to flinch away from the woman and quickly change her mind. [color=#4F7942]"I mean... why not?"[/color] she said, sounding unsure. Ozpin took another sip of his coffee before speaking. [color=green]"Not to worry. You will still have the remainder of your break to relax and enjoy the company of your friends. However... I do suggest you are all well prepared."[/color] [color=#4F7942]"Well, what's the assignment?"[/color] Fern asked, curious but her tone sounded bored if anything. [color=violet]"You and your team are to meet at the docks located in the city in three days. Unfortunately, you'll be missing the first few days of school, but your absences will be forgiven this time."[/color] [color=#4F7942]"Uh... right. Any particular reason why?"[/color] Fern asked, tilting her head in confusion. [color=green]"You'll be going on a trip to Patch, the island just off the coast of the city. Once you're there, you'll get further instructions of your assignment from an old friend of ours. You'll know when you see him."[/color] Fern squinted her eyes and wondered if all old people were this vague. [color=green]"We think it would be wise if you perhaps chose another team to go with you. You'll need all the help you can get."[/color] [color=#4F7942]"Any team?"[/color] [color=violet]"Yes, though I think we already know who it will be."[/color] Glynda said with a sigh. [color=#4F7942]"Team PYCH."[/color] she said, that mischievous grin forming on her face again. Ozpin looked to Glynda who shook her head and he shrugged. [color=green]"Why not? Get in touch with them and let them know where to meet."[/color] [color=#4F7942]"Though, what's the point of an assignment right at the start of the year. Is it some sort of test?"[/color] [color=violet]"Hardly. It's an important assignment so you need to treat this as such. No games Miss Flora."[/color] [color=#4F7942]"Then... why me? Why my team?"[/color] she asked, looking at Ozpin. [color=green]"It won't just be you. This is going to be a large scale operation. Your team and team PYCH are going to be the first ones to start. Once your part is done, you will return to the school and things will go on as normal."[/color] [color=#4F7942]"But, we're just 2nd year students. What about the 3rd year students? And 4th years?"[/color] [color=green]"We cannot take the risk of sending out our best teams... but we also need to send in a team we can count on. So... can we count on team FRST and PYCH?"[/color] [color=#4F7942]"Oh... well, of course."[/color] Fern said confidently. [color=green]"Good. Then, that is all Miss Flora. Best of luck to you and the others."[/color] Fern smiled and turned around, walking back over to the elevator and waving as she stepped inside. As the doors closed, she wondered if she noticed a look of worry on Goodwitch's face... or if perhaps she was just imagining things. Glynda turned to Ozpin and crossed her arms. [color=violet]"Well... what do we do now?"[/color] she asked him as he spun around in his seat and returned to gazing out of the window. [color=green]"Now we prepare everything for the incoming first years. We have quite an interesting bunch this year. I imagine the initiation will be eventful."[/color] [color=violet]"I imagine this entire school year is going to be an eventful one."[/color] [color=green]"Yes... But that is putting it lightly."[/color]