[@Dead Cruiser][@Turboshitter] Attempted to follow advice. Wrote bio after determining female archer elf. Maybe is not bad? [hider=Your character] [b]Name(s):[/b] [list] [*]Robin [*]Hoodless [*]3Hoody5you [*]Lego Legs [*]Kat [/list] [b]Gender:[/b] [list] [*]Female[/list] [b]Height:[/b] [list] [*]190 cm[/list] [b]Weight:[/b] [list] [*]How dare you?![/list] [b]Race:[/b] [list] [*]Elf[/list] [b]Title:[/b] [list] [*]True Bow [/list] [b]Job:[/b] [list] [*]Marksmen 15 [*]Wild Mage 10 [*]Ironbow 10 [*]Etc.[/list] [b]Residence:[/b] [list] [*]Guild Base.[/list] [b]Alignment:[/b] [list] [*]Chaotic Good[/list] [b]Sense of Justice:[/b] [list] [*]100[/list] [b]Racial level:[/b] [list] [*]0[/list] [b]Job level:[/b] [list] [*]100[/list] [b]Stats:[/b] [list] [*]HP: 75 [*]MP: 50 [*]PHY. ATK: Exceeds Limit [*]PHY. DEF: 25 [*]AGILITY: 100 [*]MAG. ATK: 75 [*]MAG. DEF: 25 [*]RESIST: 100 [*]SPECIAL: 50 [*]STAT TOTAL: 500 + Limit Exceed [/list] [b]Spells:[/b] [list] [*]Message: [*]Wild Growth: A simple nature spell that causes vegetation in the area to go wild, growing at an insane rate under the user's control. [*]Purify food/water: [*]The Hunt: A spell that gives several types of vision, notably thermal and dark. [*]Prey: A spell that gives a feeling of foreboding to the target, decreasing their movement speed, increasing the damage they take from the caster and giving any ranged attacks a following effect. Several second cast time, requires the user to be watching the target. [*]Command Animal: A simple magic that allows the user to dominate lower level animals. [*]Move Earth: A command spell that allows the user to affect large areas of earth and move it, draining magic proportional to the movement. [*]Prismatic Spray: A bewildering spray of color is emitted from the caster causing several random status effects to enemies in the vicinity including pertryification, paralyzation, poison, sleep, or blindness [*]Beast Strength: A spell that enhances the use of either one's own legs or arms to many times their original effectiveness. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Binding Arrow: A martial skill that causes the next fired shot to go through the target, tethering them to whatever the arrow next hits. The target is slows while tethered and if they break it become stunned. [*]Sun Shot: A martial skill that causes the next shot to emit brilliant light as it travels, causing any foes that view it to become blinded for several seconds. [*]Arrow Cloud: An ability that multiplies the amount of arrows fired for several seconds. [*]Asura Shower: A powerful ability that allows the user to gain multiple arms for several seconds, increasing their fire speed drastically. [*]Bow To The Face: An ability that hardens the user's bow and sharpens the edges, allowing it to be used as an effective melee weapon. [*]Bow Floursh: The user twirls their bow in an extravagant fashion confusing the opponent briefly before firing an arrows that can disable the use of the limb it strikes. Best used in close quarters. [*]Expeditious Retreat: A skill that gives the user the ability to suddenly leap backwards an extreme distance. [*]Better Duck: An ability that after several seconds, fires an arrow that if makes contact adds the target's defense to its damage rather than subtracting it. [*]Just Kidding: A tricky skill that allows the firing of an arrows to be delayed, so that it occurs up to a full minute after fired. [*]Ghost Firing: An ability that causes arrows fired to be invisible. [*]Siege Mode: A powerful skill that sets the user's bow into the ground. At the cost of remaining immobile, though still able to pivot, the user can fire much much further away with greater accuracy and deal increased damage. [b]Passive Skills[/b]: [*]Sniper's Focus: The longer Robin stands still the increased damage, accuracy and range she has. [*]Just getting started: The more Robin fires the faster she attacks. [*]Swiftness of the Wild: While in a natural setting Robin moves at twice her normal speed. [*]I'll Take That: Robin can snatch projectiles out of the air with ease and use them herself [*]Get Away From Me!: Every minute the first time Robins takes damage from a melee attack the source is sent back 15 meters. Can have up to three charges [*]Crippling Shots: Any time Robin hits a target with an arrows their movespeed and physical defense is slowed and they begin bleeding taking damage over time. These effects stack. [*]Me Miss? Not By a Long Shot: Every several seconds in combat Robins next ranged attack hits and deals critical damage. [*]Magic Shot: Robin can convert her own spells or allied spells into arrows and fire them, causing their effect to occur at the point of impact. Does not work on Over-rank Magic or magic above rank seven [*]Ricochet: Robin cause choose to have her arrows bounce off of surfaces up to three times allowing for mad trick shotz. [*][/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*]Sun Ravisher (Divine): A bow that is reminiscent of a phoenix with its flames etched feathers and is nearly as big as Robin herself. It fires arrows of light itself that ignore a portion of physical defense. In addition it has several firing modes, ranging from sniping, in which a sort of laser sight comes into play, to a shotgun like mode where a single draw will launch of cluster of arrows. [*]Arachnid Gloves(Legendary): Gloves that have a strange spiderweb design on them. They can be used to stick to surfaces and objects as well being activated to send cover a large area in sticky webbing that impedes movement save for that of the wearer. The webs can are resistant to most forms of attack except for fire. In addition they provide a reasonable boost to agility. [*]Shadow's Footsteps(Legendary): Dark boots that grant the user significantly increased movespeed that becomes even greater when in darkness. They can be activated to cover a massive area in a cloud of inky blackness [*]A Ghost's Shadow(Divine): An armour made of ethereal strands that shimmer a pale blue color. It allows the user to become insubstantial ignoring physical attacks and gaining the ability to move through other solid objects. However while in this state the user can't use physical attacks either and any magical attacks they use deal halved damage. Despite its appearance its gives relatively high armor for its level and also has a substantial passive evasion boost. [*][/list] [b]Bio:[/b] [list] [*]Robin pre-bought the game and waited eagerly for months for it to finally come out and play. When it did she quickly created the classic elf archer and leapt into play eagerly. Though as she played she came to the realization that there was a lot of unfair things going on. Now that was naturally in a multiplayer online game but some of this stuff was seriously messed up. People being killed and prevented from even going into certain areas just because of their race? High level guilds hogging whole zones just for farming mats and killing anyone who got in their way? Not cool. Robin fumed as she played at the injustice of it all. Finally she made up her mind to do something about it. A particular section of one of the quicker routes to a major quest zone was being camped by a party that would harass demi-humans and fine them, sometimes even killing them. Robin waited until they ambushed yet another poor lizardman traveling by himself and then she struck. Arrows came hurtling into the small band, instantly killing the mage and wounding the others. A good start, but not a good end. The group quickly found out where the attacks were coming from and pushed forward behind the tank's shield and she was no match for four people without the element of surprise. Robin quickly died, though to her relief at least the lizardman had managed to get away safely. She re-spawned with a sigh of irritation, well obviously that wasn't going to work. She couldn't very well right the world's wrongs by herself and it wasn't like there were any pro demi-human guild lying around. After several more failed outings she sat down for a long think, frustrated by her in-ability to help. Then it occurred to her that she didn't have to take care of them, she just had to make sure the demi-humans could. Thus her legend began. Rather than attacking those way-ling noobs unable to care for themselves she made sure the noobs could. Robin first wrote a guide for Demi-humans on how best to avoid getting themselves killed by other players. It was an effective guide for which areas to avoid or how to get gear the would let you disguise yourself. All sort of handy tricks were listed in there for getting away from pursuers. Of course doing so put her in as bad a spot as those she helped. But that wasn't all, Robin even went so far as to outfit some of the more helpless ones. Giving them items that allowed them to change their appearance, become invisible, or sometimes just money. However by herself she still couldn't do as much as she wanted. To fund her efforts to end the ridiculous racial treatment she joined Toast's guild. While the guild was not exactly the most ethical, at least they did it to everyone. In fact a large portion of the higher level players were demi-humans themselves. Her guide gained a small price tag, enough for a noobie to afford but also enough that it added up with all the players buying it, between the demi-humans buying it to help and the humans buying it to figure out what the demi-humans were doing. Eventually Robin re-wrote the guide in racial languages for specific races that she gained through a looot of grinding. Though they could be deciphered by certain high level magic casters the spell was rarely learned. Which of course upped the price tag some more. Her portion of guild funds from her guide was enough to satisfy her need to help out those who couldn't help themselves and the guild itself still profited. Win-win. Of course Robin wouldn't refuse one last party with her guild-mates at the end of it. It was a pity it all had to come to an end, Robin felt like she'd helped so many people when so could never do the same in real life.[/list] [b]Other:[/b] Has a sweet tooth. [/hider]